
Design that imitates nature: interactive giant poppy flowers

Design that imitates nature

The Israeli architectural bureau HQ Architects came up with a great design that imitates nature - these are beautiful street lamps in the form of giant poppy flowers that bloom when pedestrians stand under them!

Israeli architecture bureau HQ Architects the design is excellent a design that imitates nature – a set of street lamps reminiscent of poppy flowers that blossom in interaction with pedestrians and public transport. Placed in the center of Jerusalem as part of the municipality's efforts to improve the urban space, the mighty red flowers bloom when pedestrians stand beneath them.

Design that imitates nature
Design that imitates nature

During the day, the flowers offer shade to passers-by, and at night they illuminate their path, making it safer and more pleasant. It is a total of four giant flowers, tall 30 meters stand that stand in Jerusalem's Vallero Square and open and close depending on whether people are approaching or moving away from them.

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