
How to avoid family drama at the holiday dinner?

Let the festive dinner be pleasant and peaceful for everyone

Hoe for Christmas / Photo: imdb

The festive dinner is just around the corner, and you can hardly tolerate some of the relatives who will be at the table. Don't worry, these are some steps that will help you make the holidays even more enjoyable.

The holiday season is a time for joy, socializing and celebration – there is a festive dinner, when the whole family gathers at the table. Holiday dinners should be a time for celebration and bonding, not for engaging in debates about deeply personal or polarizing topics. As a general rule, avoid discussions that may lead to conflict, such as politics, religion, or contentious family matters.

But if someone else starts them, follow these four effective steps to navigate potentially sensitive topics and keep the holiday spirit alive.


When faced with differing opinions, it is critical to empathize without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing. Expressing understanding and respect for someone's perspective can reduce tension and show that you value their feelings. By avoiding direct confrontation, you allow room for differing opinions without escalating the situation. Remember that nodding to someone else's point of view does not mean you have to compromise your own beliefs.

Redirect the conversation accordingly

If the conversation starts to veer into uncomfortable territory, gently redirect it to a more neutral or pleasant topic. Offer a positive observation about holiday decorations, share lightly an anecdote or ask about positive experiences from the past year. Steering the discussion away from potential areas of conflict can help maintain a positive and uplifting atmosphere, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the festive occasion.

Photo: Unsplash/Krakenimages

Press the "Pause" button

In the event that the holiday dinner and the atmosphere becomes tense despite your efforts, it is essential to know when to press the "pause" button. Politely intervene and suggest a break from the conversation. This pause allows emotions to cool down and prevents the conflict from escalating. Use this time to reflect on the importance of family and shared moments during the holidays.

Space control

If tensions continue and threaten to overshadow the celebration, consider moving some members to another room for a short time. Politely invite family members who you find uncomfortable or involved in a disagreement to join you in a separate location. This not only diffuses immediate tensions, but also provides an opportunity for more private and constructive discussion away from the larger group.


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