
How to awaken a dormant libido?

Sexual desire can be stimulated in simple ways.

Stability and routine, not only in the relationship but also in the way of life, at an exhausting pace, affect our sense of alertness, willingness to live, health and our sexual energy. A decline in libido is sometimes related to some other problems and life periods, but sometimes it is just a result of a busy stressful lifestyle in which we do not have enough time for ourselves to relax and enjoy ourselves.

Awakening the desire for sexuality in a natural way actually awakens energy and vitality. Let's see how this is possible.

The sun

Let's take advantage of a sunny day and expose ourselves to the sun's rays at least for a while. Sunlight stimulates the pineal gland, the pineal gland in our brain, which secretes serotonin, the happy hormone, which alone affects our overall health and vitality. If we spend most of the day in front of a monitor, locked in an office with artificial lighting, it's a good idea to take a walk on the way home from work. Even if it means it will take longer to get home.

It is important that, at least for a short time, we feel the simple joy that comes from being aware of the little things in life, even if it is just that the sky is blue, that we are caressed by the sun's rays or raindrops, that we hear birds singing...

Appropriate food

Nutritionists suggest bananas due to B vitamins, avocado due to folic acid, nuts (mainly walnuts and almonds) due to fatty acids that stimulate the production of hormones and eggs due to vitamins B5 and B6, with which the hormones will be in balance. The energy we get from food and awaken it in ourselves is very important.

Awakening the desire for sexuality in a natural way actually awakens energy and vitality.


Instead of riding a stationary bike in the gym, ride your bike on the bike path, in the forest, through the park. In this way, you get the best out of physical activity – sunlight as well as being in nature and a positive influence on the cardiovascular system. You will feel and look better, which will boost your self-confidence and, consequently, your sense of need for sex.

Kegel exercises

Kegel exercises for both sexes are recommended by gynecologists as well as sex therapists and psychologists.

The advantages are that it is easier to reach climax, its intensity is stronger, the vaginal muscles become not only stronger, but also more elastic (which is especially important during childbirth). They strengthen muscle control and thus prevent involuntary urination (when sneezing or during stronger exertion).

For men, Kegel exercises contribute to climax control, i.e. help with premature ejaculation and strengthen erection.

Both sexes do them the same way - feel the muscle that controls urination and squeeze it, hold it for a few seconds, then release it. Repeat the exercise three times a day in 15 intervals, to strengthen intimate muscles and sexual confidence. Both stimulate and arouse the desire for sexuality.

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