
How to be happy if you are alone?

How to be happy if you are alone, or how to be happy to be alone?

It is not easy and simple when you are alone. There is no one by your side to encourage you, laugh with you, help you and share your life with you.

Fear of loneliness

Loneliness can be frightening and painful. Many already the thought of being alone evokes a sense of dread. The fear of loneliness is often the result of some irrational beliefs that limit us and keep us alive. Also beliefs such as: "I can't live alone" and "If I don't have a partner, I'm worth less", lead to the fact that it is quite necessary to have someone by your side. And that is precisely why we often agree or persist in a relationship that does not fulfill and satisfy us. And we stay with someone who doesn't offer us what we need and deserve.

The fear of loneliness is often the result of some irrational beliefs that limit us and keep us alive.
The fear of loneliness is often the result of some irrational beliefs that limit us and keep us alive.

The fear of loneliness can cause us to always be somewhere where something is happening, to be surrounded by a crowd of people, with people we know only vaguely. This can lead to alcohol and drug abuse and deep depression. The fear of loneliness prevents us from being able to make decisions in real circumstances, what truly fulfills us as human beings, makes us happy and satisfied. Being alone is not easy, but being with someone and feeling lonely at the same time is even harder.

I am alone

Few, it seems, have never experienced loneliness. There are times when we feel lost, alone, helpless and without hope. Such periods usually occur after certain stressful circumstances, such as divorce, death of a loved one and moving.

There can also be causes of loneliness shyness, insecurity and feeling unaccepted. Most people find the single life dark and vulnerable. But there are also people who enjoy the single life and live it to the fullest. The fact is that singleness is even more common.

There are people who enjoy the single life and live it to the fullest.
There are people who enjoy the single life and live it to the fullest.

The problems that come with being single are mostly known and predictable. But for now, let's focus on the benefits of being single, such as: independence and freedom. We can allocate our time independently and make decisions completely independently, organize our social life as suits us, dress according to our wishes and eat what we want.

How to cope with single life

Although the single life offers us many opportunities, we often do not take advantage of such a life. Somehow we don't know what to do with ourselves. Most importantly, yes to accept the situation as it is and not to regret anything or try to revive it. Let's look at ourselves and say to ourselves: “Okay, you're alone and now what? What can I do to fill my life, to learn to enjoy what I have right now?”

Simple things that provide joy when you are alone

• The place where you live must be the most beautiful place in the world for you. Arrange it so that you feel relaxed and comfortable in it, just the way you like it best.

• Look in the mirror and check if you need to change anything about yourself: hairstyle, hair color, balance your body weight... As desired. In order to achieve the change you want, take the necessary time.

• Start regularly doing things you like: nature, recreation, museums, books, movies, cooking. He creates new routines according to his obligations: once or twice a week to the cinema, a walk, the library, the gym...

• Take up one, two or three hobbies, get interested in something new and learn.

• Connect with people who are interested in the same things. You will be surprised that there are good people in the world with whom you can have a pleasant and constructive conversation. Maybe friendship is a skill you learn in childhood, but it's never too late.

• If you have friends or relatives, don't wait for their call. Call them and show them you exist. Make an appointment and go out.

• Treat yourself to a nice trip. Depending on your financial capabilities, you can choose, for example, between a hike in the nearby area, a wander around other places in Slovenia, or between more distant destinations. Every departure from everyday life fills us with energy, new knowledge and enthusiasm. Get over your shyness and go! You will enjoy it.

• If you are addicted to television or the Internet, reduce the time you spend on it.

• Think of a pet. Just know that with this you will be taking on the responsibility and care of another being for many years. But it will make you happy.

• Think about what you always wanted to do but never did. Do it now.

• Make a list of your goals - and also a plan of how you will achieve them.

• Play with your thoughts. Be aware of them. How do they run? If they are negative, start changing them - consciously and step by step. Stop every negative thought like this and don't pay any attention to it. Because our thoughts can be our friends - and also our enemies.

Simple things can make you happy.
Simple things can make you happy.

How to be your own emotional support

And finally: the most important of all is yes we support ourselves. At the end of the day, always tell yourself what you did. And when you see what you did that day, tell yourself that you are proud of himself and happy. Smile at yourself and start realizing your abilities. Also tell yourself that you have nothing to fear and nothing to regret, because you are seized the day - and fulfilled himself.

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