
How can you convince people that you are rich by your behavior?!

Most of us will never know what it's like to be outrageously rich. Some have a bit more, others are struggling to survive, but there are few who are sitting on a pile of money. But some people, despite not being very financially savvy, give the impression that they are really rich. How do they manage to sell themselves like that? How do they convince people they are rich over and over again?

Here are 10 key things that those who want to create use the illusion that they are super rich.

10. Renting expensive cars

We all know that an expensive car is still a status symbol. And so some people easily convince people that they belong to the elite by renting a sports car or some other luxury car. Of course, they also have to take a photo with him!

9. High-quality fakes of designer jewelry and watches

People also judge the fashion accessories that others wear. Be it a beautiful, designer watch or a piece of jewelry - none of this is cheap and quickly creates the illusion that the person opposite us is doing very well. But don't forget, passers-by probably won't really notice the difference between a high-quality fake and an original, and in higher circles they won't fool anyone with it.

With high-quality fakes, they deceive "paradise", but not those who actually want them the most.
With high-quality fakes, they deceive "paradise", but not those who actually want them the most.

8. Somewhat "jerk" and presumptuous behavior

People with large sums of money often think they are better than others. And by behaving like "my poo doesn't stink" someone can quickly give the impression that they have a lot of money.

7. Chapeau or the headdress of a dignitary

Chapeau is a French term for a head covering. In European heraldry, it was used as a symbol of church dignitaries. People with fine hats subconsciously make a stronger impression on us. And a good hat can immediately give the impression that someone is from higher circles. Such men often wear fedoras or top hats, while women wear hats that can be seen on representatives of the royal family.

A good hat is another status symbol.
A good hat is another status symbol.

6. Knowledge of food

The rich love to brag about their culinary knowledge. So it quickly happens that instead of a regular hamburger, they order Kobe beef with truffle butter, thereby creating the illusion that they have just stepped out of the castle. Here it's just a matter of basic knowledge of food and flavor combinations that the upper class prioritizes ordering (duck, lamb, Kobe beef).

5. Knowledge of wines

This is also one aspect of the bourgeoisie: the knowledge of wines with which they can charm people and, of course, with expert comments, such as, for example, "some aftertaste of oak with an almost cocoa finish". It's pretentious and pompous—and that's exactly what rich people are and do. It is also part of the show to ask the people at the table what kind of wine they prefer (white or red) and then order for them.

They are true wine connoisseurs.
They are true wine connoisseurs.

READ MORE: What are the 13 traits all rich people have in common?

4. Constant phone calls.

“Sorry, work, I just have to call. The business world never stops.” That's all they have to remember. Every time they get a call during dinner or a party, they will answer and announce to the whole room how important the call is and how sorry they are, but we have to take it. People will thus automatically conclude that they are really in big business at the moment, because there is simply no other reason for such behavior in public. Another key part of the performance is the return to the table with a smile on his face and the words: "Crisis averted." If anyone asks what it was, they are quick to make up some complicated stuff.

3. "Designer" dogs

“Normal people have dogs? Well, we have a dog labradoodle, a special, extra pet that normal people can hardly afford. We also have a llama in the yard for the kids and a rare, blue African parrot that can speak three languages.” You understand, right?

2. Fake holidays

“I'm sorry, but from August 1st to 21st we are in the Appalachians, then we will be in Cozumel for a few days. Do not even try to contact us during this time, because we will not be available.” Of course, this is not true, no matter how accessible they are. And if such people go on fake vacations even two or three times a year, then people not only think that they live in the lap of luxury, but that they themselves are the lap of luxury.

1. Scarves and scarves

Truly, rich and conceited people never forget a joke, nor do they ever take it off. All it takes is for them to have two decent silk scarves or shawls to match their outfits and then carry them everywhere. Johnny Depp he can be a role model for them.

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