
How to end a relationship? Cakes that announce "the end".

End of relationship cakes

How to get over the end of a relationship? Some people turn to food after a breakup and when they are stressed, because for many it is a means of satisfying their emotions and coping with stress. If you do not know how to end a relationship in the least painful way, you can bake or order a cake and decorate it with words that you do not dare to say in person. In this way, the partner will be able to immediately start drowning his sorrow in food.

How to end a relationship? Breaking up is not easy. Unfortunately, there is no painless way to break it off, but it can be less painful if done in a subtle way. Definitely basket must not be in the form SMS-messages or emails, via Facebook, with avoidance or reverse psychology (immature, childish and stupid behavior that forces your partner to break up with you instead of you).

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Is there a right way? No. But there are respectful ones. A face-to-face conversation can be painful, but it is the most appropriate way. If you would like to avoid this and still act cultured and even a little mischievous, you can end the relationship with the help of a cake and a farewell inscription on it. That way, everything will be at least a little easier for the partner, because it will be easy drowned sorrow in food.

Cakes that signal that it's "the end":

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