
How to chill wine fast: the trick for cold wine in just 7 minutes

Photo: envato

Have you ever wanted to enjoy a glass of wine but realized you forgot to chill it? What to do when the bottle of wine is not cold and the guests are already knocking on the door?

Have you ever experienced that unpleasant moment when you want to enjoy a glass of great wine, only to find that the bottle is warm? Such situations often occur, either when unexpected guests arrive or when you simply forget to put the wine in the refrigerator in time.

Traditional cooling in the refrigerator can takes several hours which is not always feasible, especially at times when you want an instant refresh.

There is nothing more unpleasant than serving warm wine to guests, especially when it comes to white or sparkling wine, which is usually drunk chilled. While Red wine it usually doesn't need as low a temperature as white or sparkling, but it's not pleasant if it's too warm.

In moments like these, when you find yourself pressed for time and want to serve perfectly chilled wine, it is crucial to know quick and efficient cooling methods.

Did you keep the bottle in a warm place? Photo: Markuspiske / Pexels

How to effectively chill wine in seven minutes?

If you want to quickly chill wine, you just need a simple one tea towel and freezer. The process is surprisingly simple, but very effective.

First, find a clean kitchen towel and soak it thoroughly in cold water. Then wrap the cloth around the wine bottle, covering it completely. Make sure the cloth remains quite wet, as it is the water that will speed up the cooling process. Then place the bottle, wrapped in a wet cloth, in the freezer.

Why does this method work?

The method is based on the physical properties of water and its evaporation. A wet cloth helps quickly transfer the heat from the wine bottle to the water, which then evaporates, cooling the wine faster. It is a fast and efficient method of cooling that does not require special tools or additional energy.

You can also freeze wine, not just beer. Be careful! Photo: Isabella Mendes / Pexels

After seven minutes take the bottle out of the freezer. Your wine will be pleasantly cold and ready to serve. However, it is important not to leave the bottle in the freezer for too long, as the wine can freeze, which could cause the glass to crack or even explode. Therefore, it is recommended to set a timer and monitor the cooling time.

This method works with all types of wine, regardless of whether it is white, red or sparkling wine. The process is very simple and does not require special skills, so anyone can use it. With this simple trick, you'll always be ready to chill wine quickly and efficiently, no matter the situation.

For even faster results, you can also put it in the freezer together with the bottle ice cubes, which will further accelerate cooling. It is also useful to store the wine in a cool place beforehand, which will shorten the cooling time the freezer.

By using these simple methods, you will always be ready for any occasion and be able to enjoy perfectly chilled wine in just a few minutes.

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