
How to clean the kitchen: tricks to clean the kitchen the natural way

Photo: envato

Every housewife is faced with stubborn and greasy stains. But you can easily fight them! You only need 3 foods and your kitchen will shine again.

Who likes to clean without success, because it often happens that not all stains can be removed!? Nobody! All you need for a clean kitchen is lemon, vinegar and baking soda.

Cleaning the pan

Put half a lemon, baking soda and vinegar in a dirty container and let it boil. After that, rinse and the stains disappear.

Cleaning wooden boards

Food stains on wooden boards are difficult to remove, but all you have to do is clean them with half a lemon.


Spray the scraper with oil. Food will slide off and not get stuck in it.

Cleaning the kitchen. Photo: Jason Briscoe/Unsplash

Cleaning the oven

Mix baking soda and vinegar and make a paste. The mixture should be thicker, then apply with a sponge to the inside of the oven, especially where there are greasy stains. Pour a cup of vinegar into the dish and place it in the oven. Turn on the lowest temperature and just clean.

Cleaning. Photo: Precious Plastic / Unsplash

Clogged sink

If your sink is clogged, you can simply unclog it. Pour baking soda and vinegar and leave for 5 minutes. Then pour boiling water over it.

Cleaning the microwave oven

Pour vinegar into a bowl and add half a lemon, then put it in the microwave for a minute and clean it.


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