
How to clean a radiator: a trick that is effective and very easy

Photo: envato

How to maintain the optimal thermal power of the radiator? How to prevent dust and allergens from spreading around the room? The inside of radiators can be a source of bacteria, so let's focus on the problem of how to clean the radiator.

How to clean a radiator? Here is a simple way to be effective cleaning the radiator, which will improve its efficiency and at the same time ensure clean air in your home.

In order for your radiator to heat the room efficiently, it is crucial regular cleaning of the heater and inside the radiator. Even the smallest layer of dust can reduces heat output by 25 to 30 percent, which is reflected in higher heating costs.

In addition, a dirty radiator is not only a financial burden, but also a source of discomfort for allergy sufferers and the potential risk of spreading cold and flu viruses.

Heating a dirty radiator causes raising dust around the room, which especially affects those who suffer from allergies to house dust. However, dust does not only affect allergy sufferers; it also affects the general health of the respiratory tract, which can lead to problems with the throat and nasal mucosa. That's why regular radiator cleaning is key to keeping the air in your home clean and healthy.

Let your radiator breathe! Photo: Pixabay

The outer surface of the radiator can be cleaned throughout the year, but the interior needs to be thoroughly cleaned recommended before or after the heating season.

You can effectively clean the inside of a radiator, especially panel radiators, with a simple trick we found on TikTok.

How can you clean the inside of the radiator?

Panel radiators are often cover with a net, which can be removed and cleaned under the shower in the bathtub. With the help of soap, detergent and a thin cloth, you can quickly remove accumulated dirt. If you're dealing with stubborn dirt, there are also grease cleaners available to get rid of the problem.

If classic methods do not bring the desired results

TikTok the video offers an additional trick. Run water through the radiator to flush out dust and dirt. Place containers under the radiator to collect water with dirt. After this simple procedure, wipe the wet parts of the radiator with a cloth. The entire process is easy, efficient and quick to perform, ensuring the shine and efficiency of your radiator.


Omg so happy to finally get the radiator cover off look how dirty it was😭 #fyp #raditorclean #cleaningtiktok #cleaninghacks #cleanwithabbi

♬ original sound – switchdisco

It is therefore for optimal operation of the radiator and maintaining a healthy environment in your home regular cleaning of the interior is indispensable. Follow the simple steps and enjoy warm and clean air in your home!

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