
How do I wash socks correctly? Facing outwards or inwards?

We reveal the secret that the fashion industry has been hiding from you!

Kako pravilno perem nogavice?
Photo: envato elements

How do I wash socks correctly? Have you ever wondered if you are washing your socks correctly? Get ready for a revelation that will change your laundry routine forever.

In a world where we encounter new fashion trends on a daily basis, we are often surprised that we have overlooked some basic things. Yes, we are talking about washing socks. How can something so simple cause so much confusion? How do I wash socks correctly? Let's delve into this question and resolve the dilemma once and for all.

Discovery of the century: Turned inside out!

Why? Because the inside of the sock comes in direct contact with your skin, which means it absorbs sweat, dead skin cells and other impurities. When you wash them inside out, these impurities remain in the sock. When turned inside out, all these impurities are easier to remove during washing. Improper washing can also cause long-term fungal inflammation of the skin - "Athletes foot"!

Preservation of color and texture

When you wash your socks inside out, you not only remove more dirt, but also preserve their color and texture. So if you want to keep your favorite socks looking like new, turn them inside out!

Photo: envato elements / Of course, you also need to pay attention to the color of the laundry. 😉

How do I wash socks correctly? Fashion industry and their secret!

You might be wondering why they didn't tell us this sooner? Well, maybe they wanted us to buy new socks more often. Or they themselves were in the dark. Either way, now that you know, you can extend the life of your socks.

As they say, sometimes the greatest secrets are hidden in the simplest things. Washing socks is one of them. Now armed with new knowledge, you can give your socks the extra care they deserve. And the next time someone asks you how to properly wash socks, you'll have the answer ready!”

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