
How to unclog a sink drain easily and quickly with dish detergent

Photo: envato
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Unclogging a drain is not always an easy task. Anyone who has ever dealt with a clogged sink drain knows how annoying and unpleasant a problem it is.

Unclogging a drain is not easy. But instead of immediately reaching for the phone and calling a professional, there is easy trick, which you can test yourself and thus save time and money.

This popular drain unclogging method they also use plumbers, involves using something that is probably already present in your home – dishwashing detergent.

It's a simple yet effective solution that can help you unclog your drain and restore the smooth flow of water.

Photo: envato

Here's how to unclog a sink drain using dish detergent!

1. Dish detergent

Pour about half of the bottle dish detergent directly into the sink drain. The detergent has strong dissolving properties that will help break down accumulated grease, dirt and other particles.

2. Operation time

Let the detergent run down the drain for about 10 minutes. As it works, it will gradually dissolve the clogged parts, allowing water to flow more easily through the drain.

Photo: envato

3. Hot water

After 10 minutes, close the sink drain and fill it with hot water. This hot water will help flush the detergent and dissolved particles down the drain. Fill the sink high enough that the water pressure will help flush out the clogged parts.

4. Recheck

Open the cap and wait for all the water to drain. You will quickly notice that the sink is unclogged, as the water will drain faster.

5. Conclusion

Finally, run the hot water through the drain again for a few minutes. This will ensure that all traces of grease and dirt have been thoroughly removed.

Photo: envato

This simple trick can use occasionally for prevention or as a solution when the sink drain gets clogged again. Using dish detergent is an affordable and effective method of keeping drains clean and open.

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