
How to enjoy a relationship without worrying about ruining it

Photo: envato

A new relationship can be both scary and exciting. You finally find someone you enjoy spending time with and start to worry about doing something wrong. A mistake that will end the relationship before it really starts.

Maybe your fears are not unfounded, maybe you've been through it before, maybe you have a bad experience and you're afraid it will happen again. Try to relax and enjoy your new relationship instead of dreading it.

Choose the right person

Someone you like, someone you can trust and respect. Because if you initially enter into a relationship with someone with whom the relationship can only develop in the direction of a toxic relationship, then these tips will not help you.

Men often see a situation much more clearly for what it is - if they meet a woman who seems at the bottom emotionally, they walk away.

Women tend to see an emotionally damaged man as someone they can save. Instead of distancing themselves, they see in him the good qualities, the potential, the person he could be - the person they could make him.


Choosing wisely means looking for the best for yourself!

Don't ask for assurances, just trust

A new relationship is a challenging situation that awakens all your insecurities. Your partner can't calm your jealousy and your doubts, he can't drive away your insecurities, only you can. That's why you trust him.

If there is no trust, the relationship is doomed sooner or later. Of course, this does not mean trusting someone who lies and deceives you, but someone who has qualities that you value and deserve your trust.

Stop wearing the mask and show that you are good enough just the way you are

The relationship is not built on mystery, seduction, but on accepting the other person as he is. Be who you are, let your partner get to know you and you get to know him.

When you love someone for their weaknesses and flaws, then you really love them. This means that you are not behaving the way you believe your partner would like you to behave. Instead, you feel good in your own skin, you are yourself and spontaneous with him, and you enjoy the new relationship.


Don't neglect your friends

A relationship isn't about filling gaps, and friends aren't there to fill them until you find someone. Healthy and stable relationships also affect your ability to maintain friendships. When you nurture your (old) friendships in addition to the new relationship, the relationship has more room to develop.

Don't give up on your hobbies and passions

Keep doing the things you love even though you're obsessed with your new relationship. Whatever you do, keep doing it because your interests are an integral part of who you are and make you who you are.

Toxic partners often drop all their activities and try to adapt to their partner's interests and their schedule and obligations. The more you abandon other areas of life where you find fulfillment, the more you will expect to make up for it in the relationship, and this burdens the relationship with unrealistic expectations. When you do, the only thing that is certain is that you will be disappointed.

Be positive

This means much more than pleasant and friendly behavior and making sure that the partner does not complain. Positivity is a vibration that emanates from you. It is a state of inner trust in yourself and the world around you, belief that everything is and will be fine.


Don't bother

When you stop worrying about your fears, worries, and nightmare scenarios, something great happens – your relationship improves. You know your weaknesses and your behavior when you are under stress. Give yourself and your partner time to get to know each other and connect, understand the development of the relationship as an adventure and a way to enrich life, not as a goal to reach.

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