
How to express resentment so as not to spoil your relationship?

People often prefer to suffer and submit to the wishes of others rather than express their feelings. They keep the resentment inside, but do not work on learning to 'oppose' it and set boundaries. Here's a tip on how to change things in your life for the better.

Imagine, that you bought a used car that is in good condition, and you are happy with the price you are paid for it. Your uncle and aunt are coming over in a few weeks visit. They see your car and ask you how much you paid for it. After you tell them yes price, your uncle says that for such a car you could paid 500 euros less. You feel hurt because you regret, that you even told him price. You're mad at him for advice you didn't even ask for, huh express kindness.

The next morning, everyone is at the event forgot, only you deal with it deal with. You think he's your uncle undermined your decision-making power and gave you negative feedback for a car you've already bought. You like yours uncle, but you can't get rid of this strange feeling. What to do?

What will you do?
What will you do?

There is actually a recipe for expressing your resentment but maintaining a good relationship at the same time. "AND" connects "BUT" separates! A simple formula says: positive statement (respect) + "AND" + negative statement (your sadness) + "AND" + positive statement (estimate).

With this formula you will solve all the problems.
With this formula you will solve all the problems.

This is how you show that you do appreciate uncle's intention, but at the same time you don't push your real ones emotions aside. This kind of practice will be for you helped, when you feel it resentment. It is important that you never miss an opportunity to growth.

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