Is there chemistry between you two? All of us have felt butterflies in our stomachs when someone stole our thoughts. This feeling is magical, but at the same time it can bring a wave of anxiety as we are not sure how to proceed. Feeling uncertain about how to behave and whether the feelings are mutual is completely normal. Also, the fear of rejection, but it shouldn't stop you from looking for answers. The sooner you know if something more is developing, the quicker you can move on or stop building illusions.
So how to recognize whether between you a spark flies – is there chemistry between you two? A sign that doesn't lie is a conversation that isn't limited to short messages. If your crush puts effort into communication, asks questions and creates a sense of ease with conversation without awkward moments, you're on the right track. Quick replies, except when the person is really busy, and compliments are also good signs. Flirting? Another clear signal.
To explore the chemistry between the two of you, here are 25 questions, ranging from the innocent to the more edgy, that will add sparks to your conversation.
Revealing Chemistry: 25 Questions to Get the Conversation Going
- What is your favorite part of the day and why?
- How would you describe a perfect day?
- What was your most memorable trip?
- Which dish is your favorite?
- Would you rather live in the city or retreat to the countryside?
- Do you believe that destiny guides us?
- Which job was your least favorite?
- If you could travel anywhere, where would it be?
- Do you have a habit that people find interesting?
- What kind of child were you?
- What excites you the most right now?
- If you could choose any animal, which pet would it be?
- What turns you off the fastest in people?
- How do you deal with sadness?
- What are you most afraid of?
- What movie can you watch over and over again?
- Are you ticklish?
- Which superpower would you choose if you could?
- Do you follow astrology and what sign are you?
- Which gift did you remember the most?
- What does your dream vacation look like?
- Who is your musical idol?
- What is your favorite thing about yourself?
- Have you experienced love many times?
- What was the best compliment you ever received?
Each of these questions opens the door to a deeper understanding and emotional connection and answers the chemistry between you. Play with words, be honest and pay attention to reactions. Communication is the key to revealing if there is truly something special between the two of you.