
How to get a perfect summer body during your vacation without any effort: just do these two things

An easy way to your dream figure

Photo: Pexels / Roman Odintsov

Summer is here and you're still wondering how you can achieve that dream figure without trying too hard? The real secret is simplicity and consistency. Check out our recipe for success that will completely change your approach to exercise and nutrition. So - how to get the perfect summer figure.

Summer is the time when we want to show everything in the best light. But is it really necessary to sweat for hours in the gym and stick to strict diets? The answer is NO. Just two key things can take you to your desired figure – walking and swimming. But that's not all. The real secret also lies in a small change in diet. We present to you the simplest plan that does not require much effort, but brings exceptional results.

How to get the perfect summer body

10 kilometers of walking a day

Walking is an excellent exercise that you can incorporate into your everyday life without much effort. Try 10 kilometers a day. It may sound like a lot, but if you spread this distance over the course of a day, you'll be surprised how easily you can achieve it. A walk to work, after errands, a walk with the dog or a friend - it all counts. Walking not only strengthens the heart and muscles, but also helps burn calories and improves mood. An added bonus? While walking, you can listen to your favorite music or podcasts to brighten up your day. The average woman burns about 400-500 calories walking 10 kilometers.

One hour of swimming

Swimming is an exercise that involves the whole body, but at the same time has a relaxing effect. One hour of swimming three times a week will do wonders for your body. Water provides resistance, which means your muscles work harder, but without putting too much strain on your joints. Swimming helps shape the body, strengthens the heart and lungs, and improves general physical fitness. Plus, who doesn't love feeling fresh after a swim? The average woman burns about 500-700 calories in one hour of swimming.

Photo: Pexels / Roman Odintsov

Diet: free of gluten, dairy products and processed foods

Nutrition is also key to achieving a perfect figure. Avoid gluten and dairy products. Instead, focus on unprocessed foods. This means that everything you eat is made from natural ingredients. Forget processed snacks, fast food and sweets. Choose fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, nuts and seeds instead. Your body will thank you for every natural ingredient you consume and the results will be visible in no time. This will greatly reduce the intake of sugars, fats and other hidden elements found in processed food.

What can you expect in 14 days?

If you create a caloric deficit of about 700 calories every day with the help of walking, swimming and a healthy diet, you can expect a significant improvement in two weeks. A caloric deficit of 700 calories per day means a loss of about 0.5 kg per week, which translates to about 1 kg per 14 days. Two kilograms in a month. If you continue training, you will lose a good 6 kilograms by the end of the summer. This is what separates most of us from a good figure. In addition to weight loss, you will also notice an improvement in fitness, more energy and a better overall well-being.


Getting your perfect summer body doesn't mean you have to suffer or give up the things you love. By making a few simple changes to your daily routine - such as walking and swimming regularly and eating a healthy, natural way of eating - you will quickly see positive changes. The key is consistency and enjoying the process. So, put on your comfortable shoes, jump into your swimsuit and enjoy your journey to your dream figure!

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