
How to get over if he cheats on you? Make sure the experience doesn't affect your future relationships…

Photo: envato

Have you been betrayed and wondering how to get over a scam? With the help of these tips.

How to get over a scam? Definitely a question that is not easy to ask after a loved one has betrayed us. Betrayed our trust. Our love. Nevertheless, it is good to make sure that this edition it will not affect our future relationship.

Acknowledge and accept

It is important to be aware that a betrayal has occurred, to be aware of its extent and its impact. On this occasion, it is right to throw away any idealistic notions you have had about this person. Betrayal shows who the traitor really is.

Grieving the loss of trust, person and relationship

Allow yourself to experience the full range of emotions. Sadness is an emotion that should not be kept inside, but rather let it float to the surface. As you release your grief, relief will come.

Photo: Unsplash/Kelly Sikkema

Self care and support network

Take care of yourself with proper nutrition, sleep and exercise. Don't shut yourself up between four walls and drown your sorrows in unhealthy food. At this stage, it is right to rely on those close to you and confide in them what happened. Let them listen to you and prevent you from running back into the arms of the person who betrayed you. In addition, your friends can act as counterexamples to the betrayer - people you can actually trust.

Forgive yourself for allowing betrayal

Cheaters may try to blame their behavior on you, as this mechanism protects them from feeling guilty. Don't let go! You did not deserve to be betrayed and are worthy of honest, trustworthy relationships. The fact that someone chose to take advantage of your trust says more about them than it does about you.

Stay away from the traitor

How to get over a scam? Don't let him invade your everyday life if you want to distance yourself. History repeats itself all too often.

Don't consider yourself a victim

Instead, consider how you can prevent such a betrayal from happening again. This person crossed the line, but what was your role in that? What red flags might you have missed? What alarms were ringing in vain?!

Photo: envato

Rebuild your ability to trust others

See the betrayer as a solar eclipse—as something that obscures the light. This does not mean that all people are the same and no one is trustworthy. Far from it. It's just a person who didn't deserve the trust you gave him.

Don't seek revenge

Revenge is a dish best not served at all. Harming the betrayer will not make you feel better. The traitor may not realize it yet, but he has already suffered a great loss: he has lost you and your trust.

excuse me

See the traitor for what he is - as a human being with his own flaws who could not control the situation and did not have the strength to do the right thing.

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