
How to get over a painful breakup according to your astrological sign

Photo: Envato

It's not pleasant for anyone when a relationship ends, especially if you loved and grew close to the person. Everyone deals with this differently. In his own way.

Everything is written in the stars, including how you managed to get over the end of your relationship according to your astrological sign. Your heart ached. You may have cried into your pillow or withdrawn into yourself. Or you went to all sorts of parties and looked for them through other people.

Let's see!


You immediately jumped into another relationship with someone you didn't even like just because you didn't want to be alone. In addition, you wanted to prove to yourself that you can still conquer a person, and above all, you wanted to make your ex-partner jealous.


For months you cried and mourned the past relationship. You've watched every possible sad romantic movie and listened to songs that made you think of them. And you kept telling your friends about them. They were the only thing you could think about until your heart began to heal.



You started sleeping with everyone who showed interest in you. You jumped from bed to bed to forget about your ex. You hoped that intimate relationships with others would make you feel better, that you would forget the person who meant so much to you.


You locked yourself in your room. You stopped going out with your friends. Even worse, you stopped taking care of yourself. You spent most of your time in bed unless you were forced to go to school or work.


You stalked them on social media and all their friends. Every time they posted a picture with someone else, you studied their entire life stories. Your jealousy was out of control. You've compared yourself to every person you've met because you've already assumed they're in a relationship with an ex.


A virgin

You threw yourself into work. You stopped worrying about relationships and decided it was better to try to achieve your dreams. You got distracted by work and busyness. You worked when no one else was at work because you didn't want to think about them.


You tried to shine. You started to care more about your mental and physical health. You put more effort into personal growth and learning the things that make you happy. You set out on a mission of personal growth to prove to yourself that you can be fulfilled without a relationship—and you were right.


You have traveled. You saw a lot of the world - but that was mainly because you couldn't be in the same city as your ex-partner. You had to leave. You couldn't risk meeting him.



You started having fun, day by day. You went out with your friends every night and got to know the best bars in town. You tried to distract yourself by surrounding yourself with others. You hoped that the crowd would distract you and take your mind off your ex.


You have completely closed your heart. You swore to yourself that you would never get into a relationship again. You pushed away everyone else who developed feelings for you because you thought love would only cause you pain.


You were addicted to something new - be it a TV show, a hobby, sex or alcohol. At least for a while, your obsession distracted you from your problems. This way you escaped the memories, you didn't have to feel your painful feelings.



You tried to fix all the other people's problems. You did everything you could for your family and friends, but you didn't have to take care of yourself. Their problems distracted you from yours—and you felt like you were doing something good in the process.

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