
How to get to and from Croatia: Test centers in Croatia where you can do PCR and rapid antigen test

Photo: Prasesh Shiwakoti / Unsplash

Crossing national borders with our neighbors still takes place under certain protocols and measures to curb the spread of the corona virus. As the season is upon us, when Slovenians will again be vacationing in neighboring Croatia, below we offer you the most up-to-date information regarding entry into Croatia and re-entry into Slovenia, as well as where to perform PCR and rapid antigen tests in Croatia.

Entry into Croatia from Slovenia

Croatia has adopted a decree that is valid until the end of April and which determines who is allowed to enter their country and under what conditions. Passengers from Slovenia can enter:

  • Z negative rapid antigen test, which must not be older than 48 hours and can be completed in an EU member state. The certificate can be written and issued to you by the test provider. If you are going to stay in Croatia for more than 10 days, you must take the quick test again by the tenth day after the first test was issued.
  • Z negative PCR test, which must not be older than 48 hours.
  • S vaccination certificate against covid-19, but 14 days may elapse from the last dose of the vaccine, or in the case of a vaccine that is given with only one dose, also 14 days after the vaccination. If you receive only the first dose of AstraZeneca vaccine, Slovenia allows you to cross the border after 21 days, but you will still need a negative rapid or PCR test to enter Croatia.
  • Certificate of having recovered from covid-19. You can prove your illness with a positive PCR or rapid test certificate or a doctor's certificate (antibody certificate is no longer enough to cross the border). The certificate may be older than 11 days.

Entry is also possible without any of the certificates mentioned above, but in this case you will be ordered 10 day quarantine, which can be shortened by a negative rapid or PCR test. The locations where you can take the test in Croatia are at the link below.


Exceptions for entering Croatia without a test or ordered quarantine:

  • Children under the age of 7 accompanied by a parent or guardian who has the appropriate certificate for entry to Croatia without quarantine.
  • Passengers who are in transit for a maximum of 12 hours, cross-border workers, school children, urgent family contacts, urgent medical interventions, urgent business reasons (mandatory invitation to a meeting in Croatia), workers in critical infrastructure, e.g. healthcare, police, army, civil protection, seafarers and transporters.
Photo: Waldemar Brandt / Unsplash

Entry into Slovenia from Croatia

Croatia is currently still on the list of red countries, so special measures apply to entering Slovenia from Croatia. Return to Slovenia without quarantine is possible:

  • Z negative PCR test, which must not be older than 48 hours and can be made in the EU
  • S a certificate of a positive PCR test result, which is older than 21 days and not older than 6 months, or with a doctor's certificate that you have recovered from covid-19 and no more than 6 months have passed since the onset of symptoms.
  • S vaccination certificate against covid-19, if at least 7 days have passed since the second dose of the Biontech/Pfizer vaccine or at least 14 days have passed since the Moderna vaccine, or at least 21 days have passed since the first dose of the AstraZeneca, Sputnik or Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

If a person does not have an appropriate certificate when entering Slovenia or does not fall under the following exceptions, he/she will be referred to 10-day quarantine, which cannot be prematurely eliminated by testing.

Even when crossing from Croatia to Slovenia, we have a few exceptions that do not require a PCR test or quarantine to enter Slovenia:

  • For owners, tenants and users of real estate (apartment, flat rate, boat) in EU countries, an exception applies to crossing the border with a rapid or PCR test, if they are returning across the border within 72 hours (the decree is valid from 26.4.2021). In the case of this exception, the rapid test is valid for 72 hours after taking the swab. The exception also applies to close family members and other persons who have registered permanent or temporary residence at the same address when traveling together. In the case of a lump sum, the exception also applies to persons (users) written on the lump sum contract.
  • People who are in transit through Slovenia for a maximum of 12 hours or freight traffic for a maximum of 8 hours.
  • A child who has not yet reached the age of 15 and crosses the border together with a close family member who is not sent to quarantine and is not refused entry to Slovenia.
  • A person crossing the border for urgent reasons, related to the elimination of immediate danger to health, life, property, the occurrence of material damage, or for business reasons and returns across the border within 12 hours after crossing the border.
  • Person referred to performing tasks in the international transport sector or from it.
  • A person with diplomatic passport or a foreign security authority, e.g. the police, the judiciary or a member of the Slovenian Armed Forces returning from a mission or a member of the protection and rescue services for humanitarian transport and rescue and they return within 24 hours.
  • A person who was brought from abroad with ambulance.
  • To a member of the police or an employee of a state body, who is returning from a work assignment abroad, as well as employees of state bodies and accredited journalists on a business trip abroad (such a person must be tested for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 with a PCR test upon arrival in Slovenia, and the conditions for isolation receipt of the test result is provided by the employer).
  • A person who crosses the border daily due to involvement in upbringing or education, and a person who transports day school children and returns across the border after completing the transport
  • To a co-owner or lessee of land in the border area or on both sides of the national border, who crosses the national border with a neighboring country to perform agricultural, agricultural and forestry work and returns across the border no later than 10 hours after crossing the border - also applies to their immediate family members and other persons who have registered address of permanent or temporary residence when traveling together.

Where in Croatia to PCR and rapid test

All testing locations by individual counties and cities can be found on the link/button below:

In some tourist companies and campsites, guests are offered special conditions and prices for testing, but otherwise the regular prices of PCR tests are very different and range between 400 and 800 HRK. It is necessary to register for the test in advance. contact details for registration and testing prices can be found at the link/button below:
You must show it when entering Slovenia written confirmation of a negative test, but it is not necessary to have a translation from Croatian to English.

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