
How to help street animals this winter?

The cold and snow that usually await us from December to March leave hundreds of animals without a home, without food and even without shelter. This is the period when dogs and cats from the streets fight for their lives. The days ahead are the perfect time to show our human side and help street animals. They only need a little. It may mean nothing to us, but it could save their lives.

How to help this winter animals from the street:


Food is one of the biggest problems in cold winter days. There are fewer of them, those who are on the streets freeze, and people who feed animals on the streets leave their homes less often. A well-fed animal has a much better chance of surviving extreme cold temperatures. Therefore, feeding these animals should also be a priority. When you leave your apartment or house, take some food with you, and then leave it in the place where the stray puppy most often hangs out.


Water is also a big problem. At low temperatures, most sources where stray animals drink are frozen. It is desirable to give them a bowl of drinking water as often as possible. It is good that it is warm, so that it will remain in a liquid state for as long as possible. Remove containers of ice, as thirsty dogs often lick the ice, which can cause respiratory diseases.

Be humane! Help animals this winter.
Be humane! Help animals this winter.


In extremely cold weather, residential entrances can save a large number of lives. Although there are people who disapprove and look down on stray dogs, an open door can sometimes be the only way to survive. Open the door for them and let them warm up a bit. Try to explain to angry neighbors that tame dogs will not harm anyone, and their stay in the building will not harm anyone.


If we want to help animals, we can provide them with a safe shelter. Maybe together with your family or friends you can make a house where these animals will take shelter from the cold. A few old boards, a piece of styrofoam, some slats - this is enough to build a temporary home for animals. Place the house in a place where it will not be exposed to direct wind or other weather changes. Ideally, the house should be covered so that it is not exposed to rain and snow. Old blankets, clothes, even coats and jackets can also help. You can place these fabrics under the stairs, on the terrace, in the corner of the building, under the canopy of an evergreen tree. Be sure that the animals will definitely find a new bed. Straw is also cheap and an excellent insulator.

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