
How to increase testosterone naturally and when is it time for drugs?

Are your testosterone levels low? Discover natural and medical methods to increase testosterone.

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Photo: envato elements

How to increase testosterone naturally?! Testosterone, the hormone that accompanies us from puberty onwards, is responsible for many things - from facial hair to muscle mass and that "manly feeling". But did you know that its levels are linked to everything from mood to heart health? With over a million searches on TikTok on the topic of “boosting testosterone,” it's clear that finding ways to boost your testosterone levels is a hot topic. Do you really know all the options - from natural methods to medicines?

How to increase testosterone naturally?

Testosterone - what exactly is it and why is it important? In addition to being responsible for that well-known increase in muscle mass and libido, testosterone has many other roles in the body. It helps maintain energy, keeps the heart healthy and even improves cognitive functions such as concentration and mental clarity. In short, it is a real "super hormone" that keeps us strong, vital and in shape.

The importance of testosterone and how it works: “Testosterone plays a key role in building muscle mass,” explains Ali Malik, founder of Fit Labs Kensington. “When men lack testosterone, their muscles weaken. Increasing testosterone can help build lean muscle mass and prevent age-related muscle deterioration.” But, that's not all. Testosterone is also crucial for overall well-being, as low levels of this hormone can lead to fatigue, low libido, and even depression.

According to some studies, as many as 40 % men over the age of 45 have low testosterone levels – a condition called hypogonadism. But how can we know if we lack it? The main signs include decreased muscle strength, decreased sex drive, decreased mood and even difficulty concentrating.

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How to tell if you have low testosterone? Determining whether you have low testosterone is not always easy, as the symptoms are often subtle and can be attributed to other factors such as stress, lack of sleep or an unhealthy lifestyle. Key symptoms include decreased sex drive, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, decreased muscle strength, and increased body fat, especially around the abdomen. If you notice mood swings such as depression, irritability or lack of motivation, this could be another sign of low testosterone. For an accurate diagnosis, it is best to do a blood test that measures the level of free and total testosterone in the blood. If the results turn out to be lower than normal, your doctor may suggest additional steps or possible therapy.

Natural methods to increase testosterone: The first rule of increasing testosterone naturally is simple: a healthy lifestyle. A lot of testosterone can be increased with proper diet and physical activity. Studies show that weight training or bodyweight circuit training can lead to a short-term increase in testosterone levels. If you mostly focus on cardio, it may be time to introduce more weight training. How to increase testosterone naturally!

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Certain vitamins and minerals are also essential in the diet. Vitamin D, zinc and betaine are great for supporting natural testosterone production. Foods you can include in your diet include:

  • Red meat
  • Seafood such as salmon, sardines and mackerel
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Egg yolks

In addition, reducing stress can significantly help increase testosterone levels. Excessive stress releases cortisol - a hormone that can suppress testosterone production. Therefore, it is important to avoid long-term stressful situations and take care of enough rest and relaxation. So – increase testosterone naturally.

Medicines and supplements to increase testosterone: When natural methods are not enough, some people resort to medical solutions. There are several types of testosterone boosting drugs that are prescribed by doctors. Among the most common are:

  1. Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT): It is the intake of synthetic testosterone that replaces natural production in the body. This is a common treatment for men with low testosterone levels, but it carries certain risks, such as heart problems and infertility.
  2. Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid): This drug stimulates natural testosterone production by blocking estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus.
  3. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG): A hormone that mimics luteinizing hormone (LH) stimulates the testicles to produce more testosterone.
  4. Anabolic steroids: These are synthetic versions of testosterone, but they carry many risks, such as reduced sperm production, increased aggression, and liver damage.
Photo: envato elements

Dangers of Overdosing on Testosterone: As the saying goes: too much of a good thing can be bad. Too much testosterone can be dangerous. Possible consequences include an increased risk of heart attack, stroke and prostate cancer. Additionally, excess testosterone can cause hormonal imbalances, which can lead to reduced fertility, mood swings, and acne problems. In extreme cases, blood viscosity can increase, leading to clots.

It is important to always consult a doctor before resorting to supplements or medications. It is also important to know that not all supplements are safe. Some contain substances that can bring serious side effects.

Conclusion – how to increase testosterone naturally: If you are thinking about increasing testosterone, your first task is to review your lifestyle. A healthy diet, regular exercise and stress reduction are natural ways that can improve the levels of this important hormone in the long term. Only when these methods are not sufficient is it time to consult your doctor about the possibility of treatment with testosterone therapy. But remember: too much testosterone can be harmful, so be careful with supplements and medications!

Photo: envato elements

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