
How to live longer: 4 biological tricks to slow down your aging

Photo: envato

How could you extend your life in an unconventional way? You have probably ever thought about what it would be like to live forever, or at least for a very long time, so that you could have as many experiences as possible. This is what many people want!

We long for an abundant life and we fear aging and the limitations it brings. Parents and grandparents had similar thoughts when they were younger. Previous generations thought the same. The natural desire for a long life shows how much we value our life and existence.

People have been looking for ways to extend their lives for centuries

Since ancient times, when alchemists sought the elixir of youth, until today, when scientists are researching genetics and biotechnology, mankind has always tried to find the secret of a long life. More and more research now shows that we can have a significant impact on the quality and length of our lives with the right lifestyle habits.

Be active. Photo: Marta Wave / Pexels

Although we may not have found a way to live forever, there are many methods that can help us live longer and healthier lives.

In the past, people believed that the length of life was solely in the hands fate or genetics. However, modern science reveals that our habits and lifestyle have a much greater influence than we ever thought.

Our diet, physical activity, how we deal with stress and even social interactions play a key role in how long and how well we live. Each generation brings new discoveries and methods that allow us to live longer and healthier lives.

Although there is no easy fix or miracle cure, there are natural methods, which can improve our health and prolong our lives.

These approaches are based on scientific research and the experience of generations before us. It is important to understand that there is no single recipe for a long life, but a combination of various factors that together contribute to better health and a longer lifespan.

Exposure to low temperatures

In recent years, the practice of exposure to the cold has gained popularity, mainly thanks to Wim Hofuan, who has dedicated his life to researching and spreading this method.

Exposure to cold causes an alarm in the body, which leads to many benefits, such as fat burning, cellular regeneration and stimulation of the nervous system. The most common ways of exposure to cold include:
Cold baths or showers
• Immersion of the face in cold water with ice

The recommended minimum exposure time is approx seven minutes a week, divided into several days, with a gradual decrease in temperature.

Photo: envato

Intermittent fasting

It is an "eating window" where you eat for a certain period of time and then fast. It is the most widespread method 16:8, which means 16 hours of fasting and eight hours of eating.

For example, you only drink water and coffee at seven in the morning, and you have your first meal around noon. This allows the body to fully digest the food and then switch to burning fat. In addition to physical benefits such as cellular regeneration and strengthening the immune system, fasting improves mental clarity and focus.

Other methods include 5:2 fasting (five days you eat, two days you fast) and OMAD (one meal a day).

Exposure to high temperatures

Like exposure to cold, exposure to heat is also very beneficial. Using a sauna is one of the most common ways where you need about 30 to 45 minutes a week, to see the benefits. These can be divided into several days or in one day with breaks.

Go to the sauna. Photo: Pexels-Pixabay

High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is an effective form of exercise that simulates the ancient escape from danger. This method increases cell regeneration, strengthens the immune system and improves the functioning of the nervous system. Exercise involves short, intense intervals of exercise that raise the heart rate, followed by periods of rest. This helps with burning fats and improving general fitness.

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