
How to look even better at 35 than at 25?

Every woman wants to look elegant and stylish, regardless of her age. Here are some simple and useful tricks that will make you attractive while avoiding some of the most common mistakes.

How to look even better at 35 than at 25:

Long narrow skirt or dress

Such skirts and dresses are the best choice. They visibly lengthen the figure and hide flaws. It is best to choose one with a high waist and knee length. You have a free hand when it comes to color, just avoid neon colors.


For trousers, it is best to choose plain trousers of a plain cut. The optimal choice would be trousers without conspicuous accessories. On the other hand, a nice belt will make the finishing touch, for example.

Various combinations

You can spice up your classic look with lively shades and prints. Do not use more than 3 colors in a single combination.

Pastel colors

Choose the right colors. Pastel blue will rejuvenate you, while yellow is a little less suitable. Pay special attention to light pastel shades: beige, ivory, brown, white and gray.

Comfortable Fridays

Do your high heels rest in the closet and come out only on special occasions? Then you need to buy at least one pair that is wearable - comfortable and stable shoes with a lower heel.

Elegant accessories

While it's best to stick to the classics when it comes to clothing, your imagination can help when it comes to accessories. For example, you can occasionally wear a hat or massive jewelry. A fine brooch or bright colored shoes are also a nice addition to your outfit.

What should you avoid?

Short skirts
With (too) short skirts, you will look ridiculous and inappropriate.
Deep cutouts
Such a mistake can rob you of elegance. Choose a smaller neckline or one that doesn't reveal too much.
Leave the extravagance to the 20-year-olds. You have already developed your own style and it would be a shame to 'spoil' it just for the sake of fashion trends.
T-shirts with a 'teenage' print
If you are over 35, clothes with cute prints will no longer fit you. Many other options are available, such as the zebra pattern.
Clothes that hang on you
Don't try to hide your figure by dressing in loose clothing. Instead, emphasize your attributes and hide your flaws.

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