
How to keep a man interested: 12 subtle and effective ways to do it

When you are sure that there is someone with whom you can see a future together, and that he feels the same way, there are some things that can help you keep him!

Here is 12 effective ways, how you can keep him with you!

1. Be spontaneous

Don't turn into a drama queen after your first night together. Be relaxed and act casual. Be the way you were before you were intimate. Sexuality is a big thing for a woman, but don't worry about what it will be. Don't change into another person.

Don't plan your every move and show him that you're thinking about the future. Instead, act casual, which will make him want you even more.

Some men get scared when they sense that you are getting close and that you are expecting more from the relationship. Give him time to realize that he most likely wants the same things as you. Don't cling to it, but stay close.

Show him your casual side while showing him you care.

Let him initiate the next meeting. This will give him a sense of control that will help him acknowledge his potential feelings for you.

2. Take initiative and be innovative

Many women are passive in bed to begin with. Probably because they are not yet completely relaxed in front of a man. They are afraid to take the initiative. Not at all.

In a woman, men are most attracted to her self-confidence, and by taking the initiative, you show him that you are a very confident, strong and independent woman. It shows him that you know who you are and what you want, and that you're not afraid to get it.

So, don't be afraid to let your man know when you're in the mood for sex. Don't be afraid to make the first move and tell him what your desires are in bed. Surprise him and he'll want you even more. He will tell you his deep secrets and desires.

He will begin to see your sex life as something exciting and unpredictable.

3. Don't be insecure

Forget the idea that you have to have the perfect body to turn a man on, because that couldn't be further from the truth. Stop comparing yourself to top models and porn actresses and remember that your man is not looking for your faults.

Instead of focusing on your imperfections, focus on your feminine qualities and the things you can do to turn him on. You have to learn how to perceive yourself as a sexual being. You have to start loving yourself, enjoying sex, and your partner will follow you.

The problem with women is that they are their own worst critics!

The moment you learn to accept your appearance and finally realize that your man doesn't see your imperfections, but a woman he cares about, the one he's attracted to, you'll feel sexy and confident!

4. Tease him

Sex life does not start and end in the bedroom. It can be a whole day of preparation for what will happen at night. In this way, you increase the level of curiosity, interest and arousal. What could be better than that?

Make sure you always seduce him and learn to build sexual tension between the two of you. Send him dirty texts or sexy photos in the middle of the work day describing everything you'd like to do to him. This will make sure that he spends the rest of the day thinking about you because he will see how exciting you are and he won't be able to wait for you to meet.

Flirt with your man wherever you are. Make sure you play with his imagination, but never reveal too much. Bite his lower lip, dance for him or look challengingly deep in his eyes.

5. Don't be too clingy

You are scared, not sure if you were just a one-night stand and don't know what to do to change your views. You think the best way is to call him or text him all the time. But that's exactly what you shouldn't do, because he won't want to spend time with you anymore.

For you, sex is an intimate act, and you simply connected with it without even intending to do so. And there's nothing wrong with that. You just have to be careful not to be too clingy because no one likes that. If a man starts to feel like you are suffocating him, he will run away.

Keep him close and give him reason to think you're still very interested, just give him some breathing room and don't push him too hard. Take small steps.

6. Don't expect too much from him just because you had sex with him

When you sleep with a man for the first time, the act may be more important to you than to him. It is a known fact that men and women view sexuality differently. Sometimes sex is just a physical activity for men, while women think of it as something with a deeper meaning.

The important thing is that you both wanted the relationship and enjoyed it. Because of this, you shouldn't think he's using you for sex, and you shouldn't act like he owes you anything.

The best thing you can do is lower your expectations. One, it will show him that you are casual about what happened, and two, it will make him want more. This is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

Watch your emotions. Take your time. If it is supposed to be something more, it will be with time.

7. Don't pressure him

You want to know where you stand and you want to know right away before you get emotionally attached to him.

You want to have a conversation where you both reveal your expectations. There are questions in your head: "We had sex, but what now? Does she want one more night? Does he want friendship with benefits? Or is she hoping this will turn into a real relationship? How can I make him fall in love with me?”

It's completely understandable that you don't want anyone to mislead you and that you want to know everything from the start, but it's important not to pressure him into giving you all the answers right from the start.

It is possible that he is still unsure of his feelings and intentions and needs time to make up his mind. That doesn't mean it won't get there eventually. It just means he has to figure it out for himself. The last thing you want to do is put pressure on him because he will panic and walk away.

Patience is your best friend. Keep things moving at the right pace and you'll be grateful in the long run.

8. Blow his mind

Remember that your brain has a lot of power and if you use it correctly, it can become your greatest sexual organ.

Most women are afraid that their sexual partners will perceive them only as sexual objects and will not show them their other qualities. Therefore, you need to show a man that you are a person and not just an object of his physical desire. You need to show him that you're intelligent and interesting, and that you have a lot to offer in addition to your skills in the bedroom.

Make sure you don't just think with your body - always include your mind in the process. Let your man see you as a friend and respected individual. Share your thoughts and ideas about life with him and seduce him with words. Make him fall in love with your brain and the rest will follow.

9. Show him that he is worthy

Although many men like to be perceived as hard and unemotional, the truth is usually different. Most men have a fragile ego and are aware of their own imperfections and mistakes.

They are especially vulnerable when they are at the beginning of an intimate relationship. They care if they did a good job and if you like them. Make sure you boost his ego.

One way to keep him down is to tell him some white lies. Tell him he's the best man you've ever had, or that he turns you on like no one before him. This will help him with his insecurities and help him feel more confident around you.

Show him that he is worth your time and effort outside of the bedroom as well. A little boost to his ego will do wonders for his confidence.

10. Stay sexy and mysterious

Make an effort to be beautiful for him without him noticing that you made an effort to do so. Show him your best side and focus on your qualities. It is important that you are attractive to him every day, even outside the bedroom.

Make sure you are dressed in a way that doesn't reveal too much, but not too little. That way, he'll be wondering what's under your clothes. Always wear the same perfume when you are together because it will become something that will always remind him of you.

Flirt with him every chance you get. Touch him unexpectedly and gently.

11. Let him chase you

Men are hunters. It's in their nature and it's the only truth, no matter what anyone tells you. Don't be afraid to play hot and cold mind games with him or ignore him once in a while. This doesn't mean you should be rude or unemotional, it just means you should be a little secretive.

Show him that you have boundaries and let him chase you if he wants to have you. But be careful not to overdo it, because you might lose all interest. Let him call you and let him contact you first.

Show him that you are worth his effort and that he won't win you over easily. This is a surefire way to get him emotionally attached. Show him that you want him to pursue you and he will redouble his efforts. Men like to feel wanted!

12. Be yourself

When you're with someone new, your first impulse is to do whatever it takes to make that person love you, and that's only natural. But you shouldn't change for anyone, let alone the man you just slept with.

Whenever you start a new relationship, you need to make sure that you keep your integrity and personality intact. The best way to attract someone is to be yourself.

If you pretend to be someone you're not, he'll sense it and manipulate you. Besides, changing yourself only shows him your insecurity and lack of self-confidence, which is never attractive.

Show him that you know who you are, what you want, and that you're not willing to change your ways and attitudes for him or anyone else - it will make him respect you!

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