
How to keep happiness in your relationship - according to your astrological sign

All relationships have their ups and downs, but that doesn't mean these relationships aren't happy.

Each astrological sign is unique in its own way and has a different way of expressing love and needs that must be met in order to feel satisfied and happy.

What makes you or your partner happy according to your astrological sign? Check!


Aries they don't like pretending. They want you to be honest and direct. This is what they value most in a person and in a relationship. They like it when people are spontaneous, that they are not afraid of challenges and that they do something new and unusual. They like to feel alive. If you want them to be happy, think of ways to impress and surprise them.


Taurus is a stubborn sign. This means that they usually find it difficult to fully open up to other people. But there is a way to gain their trust. You have to create a pleasant place for you to hang out. For example, for a date, take them to dinner, a concert of their favorite musician, and above all, show a genuine interest in what interests them. They are especially happy with good food, art and listening.


Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which means they care about all things related to communication, information, thought processes, ideas. They need someone to be with them all the time mentally encourages and follows them. They are living libraries. They love meaningful, challenging and in-depth discussions about everything from their favorite movie to life on Mars. Quality time is number one for them.


Cancers like to stay at home. They enjoy the safety of their home and being close to their loved ones. Material things are not important to them - gifts and the like. They are more the type of people who feel happy when they do something for their partner. This means that if you want to make them happy, them express gratitude sincerely and let them know you noticed their efforts and love. They are generally romantic creatures who just need to feel loved and through words and actions.


Leos love to have fun and live their lives carefree. They are not usually the ones who are interested in discussing difficult topics, but they are the ones who light up the room wherever they go. They are for the left humor and relaxation the most important qualities of a partner. They are looking for someone who will entertain them and also make them look good in public. If you want to make a Leo happy, give them endless compliments.

A virgin

Virgos are very rational and cautious signs. Their minds are always busy thinking about how to make everything they do the best. They need someone who is understandable and sensitive, to help them get in touch with their emotions and to awaken a softer side in them. In order to be happy, they need their own free space, but at the same time they also need patience and affection.


Libras are happy when everything around them is in harmony. They like it when everyone is happy and content and that they have no problem adapting and understanding someone else's needs. They don't like conflicts. If you want to make a Libra happy, them communicate clearly what you want and don't complicate things. Everything can be solved in a peaceful way. Show them love with the little things. They have an excellent eye for detail and enjoy beautiful things.


Scorpio is happiest when they know they can completely trust their partner. Let them know that they can trust you and that you will always have their backs. This is the most attractive thing you can do for a Scorpio. They love their partner passionately and will do anything to make you happy. All they want in return is loyalty.


Sagittarius is a fire sign of action and the endless search for transformational experiences. They like to live on the edge. They are happy when they can freely express themselves, progress and be in motion. They are always hungry for new experiences and sometimes tend to get too caught up in their own plans and desires. They need it a partner who will not hold them back and will be able to follow them on their adventures. Freedom is the main thing they seek in life and love.


Capricorns prefer like-minded individuals as their partners. In other words, they are not very interested in challenges. They want to have by their side a person who looks like them. Someone who is practical, disciplined and has big goals. Someone they can talk to about business and goals. They are satisfied when everything around them is efficient and optimized, including their partner.


Aquarians are unconventional individuals who like their freedom and are very picky about the people they spend their time with. If you want to make an Aquarius happy, you will have to be very open-minded and ready for strange, interesting discussions about human nature, the future of mankind. They're happiest when they're learning something new, so give them something they'll appreciate.


Pisces are happy when they feel comfortable, accepted and safe. They are very dreamy and sensitive, so they really like it you show affection and love with loving gestures. Intimacy is the thing that will make them happy in a relationship. If there is no intimate connection, they leave. They need to feel like they can be vulnerable with you or they will keep to themselves. In return, they will give you lots of love and support.

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