
How to make the perfect scrambled egg

A properly cooked scrambled or poached egg is a unique culinary achievement, as it must be soft and the yolk inside still runny. Due to the seemingly (too) demanding preparation, many people prefer to avoid the interesting technique of preparing eggs and thus miss the opportunity for an extremely tasty and nutritious meal. For everyone who would like to try their hand in the kitchen anyway, we have prepared a simple guide that will surely lead to exceptional results.

Such as souffle, is also properly cooked scrambled egg the ideal combination of solid exterior and fluid interior. Scrambled egg or poached egg, as we call it in English, is a unique culinary achievement and a real culinary treat. It is prepared without oil, so it is ideal for everyone who likes to eat healthy, but still make sure that their meal is full of flavor and a real feast for the eyes.

Scrambled egg on toast. Photo: cookinginsens.com
Scrambled egg on toast. Photo: cookinginsens.com

Preparation instructions:
Fill the container with water, add two tablespoons of vinegar and let the water almost boil. Meanwhile, carefully break the egg into a shallow bowl, being careful not to spill the yolk. Stir the water, which is just about to boil, with a spoon and create a vortex with circular movements. Drop the egg exactly in the middle and cook at a reduced temperature for about 3 minutes. Carefully remove the egg from the water with a ladle, dry it and place it on a sandwich, salad or fries. If we don't succeed in the first attempt, let's not give up and remind ourselves that practice makes perfect...

Scrambled egg with avocado. Photo: therainykitcen.com
Scrambled egg with avocado. Photo: therainykitcen.com

Breakfast idea:

Place the hard-boiled egg on wholemeal bread, covered with fresh cherries, salmon and avocado, and pierce with a fork so that the liquid interior slides down the delicious sandwich. You could hardly imagine a better start to the day!

Scrambled egg on whole wheat bread with avocado. Photo: imgur.com
Scrambled egg on whole wheat bread with avocado. Photo: imgur.com

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