
How we make our (Monday) mornings better

We all know mornings when we would rather turn on our side and sleep for a few more hours. In the morning, when we're still yawning on the way to work and when even the biggest cup of the most fragrant coffee doesn't help against sleepiness. On such mornings, we wiggle our toes, which will bring a smile to our face and remind us that this gray morning can quickly turn into the best day of our lives!

It is extremely important to learn to turn something unpleasant, such as Monday mornings, into something positive. But why should the start of a new week be something bad? Banish negative thoughts and replace them with a positive outlook on life. But because that's easier said than done, we've put together some tips to help you on your way to the best Mondays we've ever had.

Today will be a good day
When we wake up, we smile and tell ourselves that today will be a good day, that anything is possible if we really want and hope. Let's "kick ourselves in the ass" and finally do what we could have done a long time ago. Maybe it's exercising in the morning, following a healthy diet, asking for a raise, or just enjoying the morning in a relaxed way.

Today is going to be a good day! Photo: ThinkStock
Today is going to be a good day! Photo: ThinkStock

Before we leave home, let's pretend we look really good
Let's put on those shoes that we keep only for special occasions, choose a bag that is waiting in the closet for a special occasion that doesn't come out of nowhere, take care of the perfect finishing touch with a beautiful tie or an elegant scarf... If we wear something that makes us feel confident, this will affect our well-being and consequently the course of the working day. People will definitely respond positively to our confident presence.

Put on the most beautiful shoes, choose a bag for a special occasion and step into the world with confidence! Photo: ShinkStock
Put on the most beautiful shoes, choose a bag for a special occasion and step into the world with confidence! Photo: ShinkStock

At least we forget about social networks until lunch
If our work is not necessarily related to social networks, we get ready in the morning and eat breakfast in peace. Let's forget about hastily checking all possible websites and applications, which often put us in a bad mood with bad news or whining from friends. Let's remember the refreshing feeling that comes over us when a day goes by on vacation without looking at our laptop. We can conjure up this feeling every morning...

Well, if you just can't live without social networks, take a look at ours Facebook page, where nothing negative will ever, really never await you!

At least we get rid of social media and email in the morning. Photo: ThinkStock
At least we get rid of social media and email in the morning. Photo: ThinkStock

Let's learn to ignore stressful little things
Let's get rid of the little things that tend to throw us off track forever. Hair in a funnel, a full inbox of e-mails, an empty box of cookies that we left on the counter and that makes us feel bad... let's forget about all the little stressors that don't really affect our mornings at all and only make us in a bad mood .

Forget the stressful little things. Photo: ThinkStock
Forget the stressful little things. Photo: ThinkStock

Let's avoid those who put us in a bad mood
If possible, let's avoid people who make us feel bad for everything in the world. People who, with their bad will, like to make sure that our mornings and days are full of stress and negative thoughts, have nothing to look for in our lives.

Avoid people who make you feel bad. Photo: ThinkStock
Avoid people who make you feel bad. Photo: ThinkStock

Let's have breakfast and enjoy every minute
Breakfast should be something that goes without saying, but for some time now it has been a pleasure that we treat ourselves to too rarely, if ever, in our stressful schedule. Most of the time we forget about it, or we simply have neither the time nor the will to prepare it. Let it not be like this anymore. Prepare oatmeal with yogurt the night before, to which we add a sliced banana in the morning. A delicious and healthy breakfast can be eaten in a few minutes, and our body and brain will have energy for quite some time.

Treat yourself to breakfast! Photo: ThinkStock
Treat yourself to breakfast! Photo: ThinkStock

Let's smile
Let's smile at our loved ones, keep a smile on the way to work and at the workplace. Let's laugh at the stranger, the saleswoman and the delivery man. Even if we don't get a smile in return, we'll feel better, and in most cases we'll make someone's day.

A smile works wonders. Give it to a shop assistant or a complete stranger. Photo: ThinkStock
A smile works wonders. Give it to a shop assistant or a complete stranger. Photo: ThinkStock

Today is a new day
Yesterday is behind us, and even if everything that could have gone wrong, that's not enough reason to prolong our anger into another day. Let's forget the fights, the things we did wrong, the mistakes and accidents. Today is a fresh day and anything is possible!

Today is a new day! Photo: ThinkStock
Today is a new day! Photo: ThinkStock

Let's be the best version of ourselves
Every day we can be the best again. Let's try, take a step further, dare, if we stumble, let's laugh about it and let's not be ashamed to sing at the top of our lungs to our favorite song on the radio. Let's laugh, play sports and eat what we want. Every day can be a great day if we just decide to.

Be the best version of yourself! Photo: ThinkStock
Be the best version of yourself! Photo: ThinkStock

Let's breathe
Sometimes it's good to simply take a deep breath and exhale. If we take deep breaths through our noses and exhale through our mouths only in yoga and pilates classes, we can be ashamed. As soon as we wake up, we forget about getting up quickly, the mobile phone and stressful thinking about urgent tasks. First, sit down and take a few deep breaths in and out. We close our eyes and put our hands in our laps. Let's remind ourselves that today is a great day.

Breathe! Photo: ThinkStock
Breathe! Photo: ThinkStock

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