
How to make the decision to break up with your partner and let them out of your life forever

Photo: Engin Akyurt / Unsplash

Sometimes it's the best. Breakups are painful, but it's even more painful when you try at all costs to solve something that can no longer be solved.

As much as you want the love story you're in to last forever and be filled with love and understanding, sometimes that just isn't possible. It's not destined.

It's never easy to leave a relationship, no matter who initiated the breakup. Whether you've been with someone for two months or 20 years, it hurts, and the pain is there for a long time.

Life never asks if you are right or wrong, it reveals many things about people through your journey through it. It shows you things you can't handle. Sometimes you end the relationship, sometimes the partner ends it. Sometimes you break up forever and never speak another word, but sometimes you break up as friends.

Anyway – what you need to know if you let someone out of your life.

Decide if the relationship is worth the effort

The most difficult task is deciding whether the relationship is worth fighting for or not. If you are honest enough with yourself, you will see this answer right in front of you. You will feel it inside you.
You need to ask yourself if the person you are in a relationship with is worthy of you.

Start with the fact that no one is perfect. So don't look at his flaws, but at the two of you as a couple. If your partner is holding you back in any way, if he doesn't support your goals and plans, if you feel trapped, if you don't feel good, if you feel cramped, ask yourself why you stay in this relationship.

Cut off contact with them

If the breakup was difficult and you feel that the other person had a hard time accepting it, that they are toxic, you should cut off all contact with them. Staying close to her will prevent you from going further. Toxic people can easily control your life, even if you don't want to be a part of their life anymore.

Even if you still love them, if you don't feel comfortable around them, you're afraid - let them out of your life. Photo: Ionasnicolae / Pixabay

It won't be easy to cut ties, especially if you still love them. But there is no other way. Change phone numbers, emails, unfollow them on social media. That's a good start.

Accept the fact that you are in control of your actions

If you have decided to end the love affair, do not delay, end it. Don't look for meaningless reasons why not, why not yet. Don't think about what else you could do for them, what you would do so that they wouldn't feel like you left them. Don't do that, it's not productive in any way.

Don't waste time and energy changing your opinion of them in your eyes and of you in their eyes. You are what you are. You chose yourself. You are important, focus on yourself now.

Find support in friends and family

Seek support from friends and family during a breakup. It's not easy being alone after a broken relationship, and you need someone to remind you why it's good that you broke up. That he will tell you that it is perfectly okay to feel broken and lost.

Embrace life after a breakup

No matter how long the relationship lasted, we believe it meant something to you. Therefore, returning to life before that is not possible. You have to move on. The point is to accept life as it is and the experiences it has brought you.

You are a different person now. With one more experience. Don't repeat the same mistakes in the future. Be aware of yourself and your actions. Don't wonder what if. You won't get over a breakup overnight, it will happen when you are ready.

And then soon the right person will come into your life, the person with whom you are destined to spend the rest of your life,

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