
How to organize a perfect birthday at home and for a few guests

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Do you also look forward to your birthday like a small child, even though you have not been a child for a long time? Who doesn't want a party with many friends, snacks, cake, good music... However, in the conditions we've been living in since last spring, this is impossible, and especially not recommended. But don't be discouraged!

There are other, interesting and creative ways of entertaining in your home, with a small number of nearby people or via Zoom. You can definitely have an absolutely wonderful and authentic birthday. We offer you some ideas on how to organize a birthday at home. Definitely it doesn't matter where you are, but who you are with, and although you've probably heard this phrase many times, it's still kind of true.

Take a day off even if you work from home

Even though you've probably been working from home for months and you don't think a day off is necessary, take it anyway. Treat yourself and take time and rest for a day. Make sure you don't have any commitments on your birthday, so you can devote yourself to small rituals that make you happy from early morning. You deserve it!

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Dress up and do your makeup as if you're going out

There is absolutely no reason to stop you from dressing up and grooming yourself as you would if you had a birthday party planned somewhere outside. Heeled shoes, evening dress, glitter and eyeliner? Yes. Everything is possible! Whether you have a small number of guests or you'll be spending the day mostly alone with a few friends joining you online, self-care can't be ruled out. This preparation will put you in a good mood that will stay with you all day, because every look in the mirror will remind you that it's your birthday.

Arrange the apartment and create an atmosphere

Something else that can greatly add to the atmosphere of the entire celebration. A few balloons, maybe some cute lights, a darkened room or some lighted candles will give your celebration a special atmosphere. And don't forget - a birthday doesn't start without a good playlist!

Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Be creative

We live in a digital age, so why not finally use it for good purposes? Many social games and fun activities that involve more people can be played online or through Zoom calls, so it would be most interesting if your online friends were on the projector all the time, as if they were practically there with you. So, for example, you can design a treasure hunt game that will include some virtual clues that your friends will have to solve on the “other side of the screen” and then send them to you so that you can continue your search in the apartment. Treasure can be a symbolic trifle and whoever finds it is theirs.

Prepare interesting cocktails

Make an effort to drink. If you were celebrating outside, you would probably order some interesting drinks, if not just good wine. Therefore, buy all the necessary ingredients in time and prepare a good cocktail for yourself and your guests. Some simple ideas that generally work well are a gin and tonic, a bellini, a mint spritzer, or a mojito. Of course, in addition to cocktails, you can also play with decorative straws or interesting glasses, whatever comes to your mind.

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