
How to overcome the fear of the future and take control of your life?

Photo: envato

Fear is our protector, but the question is how much we have allowed it to shape our everyday life! Learn how to overcome fear.

There is no man who is not afraid of something. This becomes clear if we remember the basic, primordial and still current role of fear – that it protects us from something we perceive as a danger.

Its primary purpose today is the same as it was thousands of years ago - to trigger the organism into combat action to protect itself from danger (fight and flight). That's when our adrenaline rises, our awareness narrows to certain perceptual sensations that are relevant to that situation, we scan the surroundings in search of the enemy. When the fight and flight system is activated, everything in the environment is perceived as a threat to survival.

And nowadays, modern man often feel threatened for example, when someone looks at him sideways, when he experiences judgment or non-acceptance, if his partner did not answer his call, or thinks about something he shouldn't... a million and one situations. In all these moments, we unconsciously react with fear, because our body does not know if we are in danger.

Know the cause of fear

It is necessary to know the cause of fear as a basic condition to overcome it and continue with its presence. Courage is not the absence of fear, but acting in spite of fear, hand in hand with it.

Fear is a natural emotion that protects us from danger. Photo: Mart Production / Pexels

You may think that successful people are not afraid, because they dare to undertake different ventures, they often step out of the area they are familiar with, they enter many unknown situations. But know that it is not like that! They are often not even aware of the moment when they are faced with fear, but they look at it completely differently. Fear does not prevent them from taking the necessary step. They experience it as drive, fuel, challenge, motivation.

Some people may call fear something else, so they say they are sometimes nervous or something like that. But when we talk about it a little deeper with them, we realize that fear is behind it. If we wonder why we would face something that scares us instead of living as before, consider this: pushing through the fear is less scary than living with our underlying fear that makes us feel powerless.

The most common fear is fear of the unknown which means leaving your own comfort zone. In it, all problems, conflicts and anxieties seem close and familiar to us. Outside the zone we know, new concerns and problems arise.

V comfort zone we have the illusion of security. We deprive ourselves of the opportunity to experience something new. We stop our development and prevent ourselves from encountering something new, developing some new skills and strengthening abilities.

It is important to remember that there are not only new problems and concerns outside of what we know, but also new challenges, opportunities and possibilities. By stepping out of the comfort zone, we open the door to new experiences and opportunities for growth and development. Instead of apparent security, we choose a new opportunity. We are all capable of much more than we think.

Don't let it beat you. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

Thoughts for overcoming fears

1. When fear arises and you recognize it, you can consciously say to yourself: "It's okay, I'm not in danger." This is my perception of the situation. Let's take a closer look at what it's all about." Then gather the necessary information and draw a conclusion. And realize that you don't have to fight or run.

2. Ask yourself, which are realistic and which are unrealistic fears? Are you really in real danger or is it just a primal reflex playing its unconscious role? If you are constantly afraid, you will perceive the environment as hostile. Your own life will be a constant function of fight or flight. So monitor your thoughts and emotions.

3. Remember the facts that research has come up with that say that 60 percent of all our fears never come true, 20 percent are about the past that we can no longer influence, and 10 percent are about small, worthless things, who actually doesn't even care. Of the remaining 10 percent, only 4-5 percent can be considered justified fear. Will you let 4-5 percent of your thoughts rule 100 percent of your life?

4. Ask yourself: "What is the worst that can happen if this fear of mine comes true?" You will realize that in most cases it is actually not as scary as it seems until you face it.

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