Being prepared for any situation is never a bad idea! And that's how you prepare for the coronavirus epidemic at home!
The number of people infected with the new coronavirus is increasing day by day. These days we have already experienced the complete quarantine of Italy and the closing of national borders with it. Given the incubation period of up to two weeks, there will certainly be a lot of new cases. If we change our habits today and we follow all the provisions and recommendations of NIJZ, can rapidly increase the number of infections noticeably restrained. Until then, we must be aware that we too can get sick at some point and that we will have to take care of ourselves in case of a possible home quarantine.
Creating food and medicine supplies
If we don't have any kind of winter coat, this one would come in handy in this case. It is wise to have a supply of food for every few weeks, and it's best to go get it while we're still there healthy. With this infection we do not spread and we are fair to the workers in the stores, who are daily exposed to potential infections from customers. It is useful to choose foods that are easier on the stomach and have a longer shelf life. In case of possible infection, a vegetable or soup base will also come in handy for making soups, which are excellent at alleviating the symptoms of viral infections.
If we need to take certain medications, we also need to make sure we have enough of them for at least one month. It makes sense to get some medicines that are intended relief of flu and cold symptoms (to beat fever, etc.). In the store, you can also buy some isotonic drinks, which will replace the lost electrolytes in the body if you feel very bad. Carefully plan the time of going to the store for when he is in them least crowded.
Care for personal and domestic hygiene
We have to be even more careful with personal hygiene. Regular hand washing (at least 20 seconds) and caution to we don't touch the face, are key to this. If an infected person lives in the house, we must wash our hands thoroughly every time we leave the house.
Using a mask?
Protective masks should be worn by healthy people they don't use. Their use does not make sense to them. It only makes sense if we ourselves are infected, as it acts as an additional barrier that stops the particles produced by coughing. A healthy person should only use a mask if it is in close contact with a person who is infected, and if he cares for her. Even then, a healthy person must follow certain rules. From correct placement of the mask to using the right mask (code N95) and to take into account that does not touch the front of the mask (namely, the virus can accumulate on it), but to remove the mask by grabbing the elastic behind the ears.
Work from home?
People, even in Italy, still leave their homes and go to work. Unfortunately, some jobs require the physical presence of the worker at the workplace. However, there are certain jobs where work can also be done from home. It is wise to discuss this with your employer.
A plan for children and the elderly
The school your child attends can be closed, as has already happened in Kamnik. If the child is too young to be at home alone, we have to do so in advance to think of persons, with whom he could remain under protection. Unfortunately, the state has not (yet) arranged for the parent to stay at home in such cases. Now he has to take leave for this, because his employer is absent for this reason does not cover. The same goes for caring for the elderly, who previously lived in a home for the elderly, which closed due to an excessive number of infections.
Let's take care of ourselves and others
As said, yes we must adhere to all the provisions, which were submitted to NIJZ. We wash our hands regularly and se we avoid groups of people. Let's especially try avoid people, who show visible symptoms of a cold or flu (these are similar to the coronavirus). If we become infected ourselves or suspect an infection, we need a personal doctor first CALL and NEVER go to the health center or emergency room on your own initiative. For more information about the virus and prevention, you can also contact the number 080 1404.
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