
This way you can prevent Facebook from spying on your messages

Recently, there was a scandal in the USA that brought Facebook into disrepute. In 2014, Cambridge Analytica was revealed to have gained access to 50 million profiles of US citizens. Using the obtained data, they then built profiles of American voters. So how can we stop Facebook from spying on our messages today?

Many people therefore decided to delete their profile from the most popular social network in the world. Still others have transferred all their data from Facebook to their computer.

It was found that they were in addition to collecting data on Facebook, they also monitored messages and eavesdropped on calls.

Maybe someone is eavesdropping on you right now.
Maybe someone is eavesdropping on you right now.

Facebook defends itself by saying that when people register, they agree that the company can manage their data. If users don't want this, it can be turned off in their account settings. This will delete all activity data on the application that you download to your PC in the form of a zip file.

Of course, this happens because we do not read all the articles with which we have to agree when registering on various websites. As a result, Facebook is allowed to learn every detail about us. That's why we have to be extra careful when surfing the web.

If you use the Android operating system and do not want recordings of your calls to be available to Facebook, open the Facebook Messenger app, tap on your profile picture and then tap on the “People” button. Check if it is an option "Sync contacts" off. If this is not the case, turn it off yourself.

The next time you open the Messenger app, follow the steps below.
The next time you open the Messenger app, follow the steps below.

In this way, you will help protect yourself on the Internet. Social networks will have to find other ways to spy.

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