
How to properly clean burnt grill grates: a trick to restore the shine to the grill

The grill grates will be like new

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Photo: Pexels / Minan

The picnic is over, everyone is happy, but when it's time to clean up, you're greeted by burnt grill grates. Feel like you'll never clean them again? Do not worry! We have a simple and effective trick that will make your grills shine like new again. Read on to discover how you can achieve amazing results with just a few simple ingredients. So - how to properly clean burnt grill grates?!

A barbecue is the centerpiece of any picnic, but cleaning its grates is often a real nightmare. Burnt food and fat residues are stubborn, but with the right approach they can be overcome. Here's a proven method that will restore your grilles to their original state.

Photo: envato elements

You will need:

  • Baking soda
  • Kitchen salt
  • Vinegar
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Paper towels
  • Wire brush or coarse sponge


  1. Sprinkle the grates with baking soda and salt: Sprinkle baking soda and salt evenly over the entire surface of the grates. This combination will help break down burnt food residue.
  2. Add dishwashing detergent: Drip a few drops of dishwashing detergent on the grates. Detergent will enhance cleaning and degreasing.
  3. Scrub well with a wire brush: Scrub the grates thoroughly with a wire brush or coarse sponge. This step will allow the ingredients to mix well and penetrate the burnt residue.
  4. Cover with paper towels: Place paper towels (2-3 layers) over the grates without adding water.
  5. Pour over with vinegar: Gently pour the vinegar over the paper towels. The reaction between the vinegar and the baking soda will soften and dissolve the burnt residue.
  6. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes: Let the vinegar work. The paper towels will hold the ingredients in place and the vinegar will loosen the burnt residue.
  7. Let's remove the paper towels: Remove the paper towels slowly, removing most of the burnt residue with them.
  8. Final cleaning: For a final refresh of the grates, rub again with a cleaning wire or sponge. After this step, your grill grates will shine like new.
Photo: Pexels / Paggiaro

Conclusion: By using these simple steps, your grill grates will always be ready for the next picnic. Forget about laborious scrubbing and expensive cleaning tools. This trick will save you time, money and nerves, and your grill will always look like new. Enjoy carefree picnics!

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