
How to properly wash and dry a down jacket to make it as good as new

Down jacket and proper care

Photo: envato

When the winter cold sets in, our faithful down jacket becomes an indispensable companion that provides warmth. Many people have problems when washing and drying the down jacket, as it can lose its shape if it is not maintained properly. In this article, we give you tips on how to wash a down jacket to keep it looking like new.

Your down jacket, a staple of the winter wardrobe, deserves careful care to withstand the seasons. A how to wash a down jacket? Z following this expert advice you'll confidently manage the wash and dry process, ensuring your investment is comfortable, stylish and ready for the cold.

How do you wash a down jacket in a washing machine?

The focus is on one jacket! To preserve the integrity of your down jacket, avoid overcrowding the washing machine. Only wash one jacket at a time to prevent it from puffing up too much during the wash. Choose liquid detergent for delicate laundry or choose a specialized down detergent. Avoid classic detergents that can damage delicate fabric.

Photo: envato

When washing, give preference to the use of silicone or tennis balls. These little helpers prevent the feathers from clumping and ensure that your jacket comes out of the washing machine looking like new. Always select on your washing machine program for delicate laundry. The water temperature should be between 30-40 degrees Celsius to maintain the quality of the down.

Limit washing to once or twice a year. When washing, skip the spin cycle, as this can compromise the jacket's delicate structure.

How to dry the down jacket - on the air or in the dryer?

If your chosen method air drying, check the weather forecast and aim for a windy day. The wind helps to dry faster and more efficiently. Shake the jacket regularly during the drying process to distribute the feathers evenly. You can do this by placing it on a rack or drying rack, grabbing it by the collar or top and giving it a good shake.

Be patient during the drying process, especially in wet and cold weather. If you see clumps of feathers, it means that the inside of the jacket is still damp. Make sure to dry thoroughly to prevent lumps.

Photo: envato

If you use Dryer, select the lowest temperature setting. High temperatures can only dry out the outside, but the inside remains moist. Include silicone or tennis balls in the dryer to maintain fluffiness.

Although not recommended during the wash, you can use the dry spin cycle on the lowest setting as a last resort. This can help detangle the feathers and restore the appearance of the jacket.

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