
How to recognize a psychopath in 5 minutes: learn it as a father!

Can you spot a psychopath? Since they are extremely charming individuals, this is not as easy a task as you might think.

A psychopath is a person with a pathologically damaged character who feels acute lack of conscience and moral qualities. There is no love and affection in the spectrum of feelings he experiences. He only contacts someone to get what he needs. This can be money or other material goods, connections and of course emotions. His inner world is empty and colorless, so he has to deprive others of their bright colors.

Read on to find out what the characteristics of a psychopath are so that you can recognize them immediately!

Fascinating charisma

He quickly charms everyone around him and becomes the center of attention. His facial expressions, facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms and humor immediately put him a step above everyone else. It seems that it is impossible to find a more interesting and charming interlocutor. Here it is worth remembering that there are no ideal people, but certain individuals can play this role perfectly. The role played by the psychopath usually coincides with the demands or wishes of the victim. In another company, he is a completely different person.

Gets bored quickly

Psychopaths get bored quickly and want to change the environment. Their interests are superficial, they cannot focus on one thing for a long time. A destroyed inner world forces them to constantly seek additional stimulation and excitement. Therefore, it very often happens that the beginning of a relationship with a psychopath is extremely exciting and fun. In ordinary life, the common man does not have so many adventures and fun. A normal person does not feel this need, while psychopaths perceive it as a way to feel alive.

Superficial emotions

Psychopaths are characterized by a very sharp emotional drive. He can be unusually polite and gallant, but after a few minutes he is already shouting and yelling at the waiter. This is what distinguishes him from a person with a healthy psyche who needs some time to change his feelings.


You can talk to a psychopath all night, but you won't remember what you talked about. This is reflected in his tendency to distort events and manipulate facts. He praises everything that is and is not praiseworthy, so the victim very quickly falls into his trap. The psychopath binds his victims more and more to himself in order to achieve the patterns of thinking and behavior he needs. The aim of every manipulation is to obtain funds.

Parasitic lifestyle

A psychopath always takes more than he gives!

Lack of guilt and remorse

Even in breaking all social laws and morals, a psychopath will never feel guilty. When facing severe punishment, he can admit responsibility and apologize. But he will not do it out of a pure heart, but only to avoid the consequences.

Lack of empathy

A psychopath does not know the pain of other people, so do not expect sympathy from him. The reaction to the suffering of a loved one will most likely be indifference or even agitation.

Poor behavioral control

Psychopaths are extremely difficult to control. They want to turn their wishes into actions as soon as possible, but they often do not think about the consequences. They place the responsibility for what will happen on others.

A psychopath does not necessarily exhibit all of his traits upon first meeting, but the first indications appear quite quickly. Although he plays his part well, you can easily tell that he is just not as charming as he seems.

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