
How to recognize emotional addiction? These are warning signs that you are addicted to love!

All addictions begin with love.

Addiction to love is a constant pain that won't go away.

Those who are addicted to love constantly question and analyze whether they did the right thing. Did they tell their partner what they wanted to hear. Every day they struggle with bursts of turbulent feelings that at one moment lift them up into the sky and the next moment throw them down to solid ground or even lower.

"Addiction to love is an addiction," says anthropologist Helen Fischer, adding: "If you always need confirmation that you are loved, and if you don't get it often enough your world comes crashing down, then it's time to change."

Such persons are ready for all possible compromises in order to feel the love without which their life has no meaning. Their confidence is destroyed.

If you feel good and fulfilled only when you feel loved and you are depressed and disappointed when your partner does not give you enough attention and love, then you have fallen into the trap of addiction.

Are you addicted to love?

Do not let your inner feelings and pleasures depend on your partner's love, but find a permanent source of love within yourself. If you fill yourself with self-love, you will be able to enjoy giving love, not just receiving it. This is an important step in the fight against addiction.

A partner is not the only source of love. Take responsibility for your emotions, especially your sense of self-worth. Learn to love and appreciate yourself. Your confidence should not depend on your partner's love. Notice that love is within you and all around you.

Answer the following questions and you will find out if you have symptoms of love addiction.

  • Does your happiness depend on your partner giving you enough love?
  • Do you only truly value yourself when you feel that you are sincerely and strongly loved?
  • Do you feel that you are not good enough at the moment when you feel that you lack your partner's love and attention?
  • Do you believe that only others can make you happy and that you cannot be the creator of your own happiness?
  • Do you think that your partner is selfish if he behaves the way he wants and not the way you want him to?

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