
How to reduce belly bloat naturally

Photo: Polina Zimmerman / Pexels

Are you repeatedly bloated and it's driving you to despair? Bloating can really affect your quality of life, leaving you feeling sluggish, heavy and moody.

There are many factors that can lead to this - intolerance, allergy, lack of probiotic bacteria, candida.

First of all, you need to find out what is the cause - see a doctor.

You can also reduce bloating in natural ways, as plants are very effective in restoring balance in the intestines.

Let's look at some reasons and tips.

Intermittent fasting

There are no studies to back up this claim, but there are experiences of people who have found their bloating significantly reduced since they started doing it. With this diet, the goal is to achieve 16 hours of fasting and 8 hours in which you are allowed to eat. To begin with, start with a 12-hour feeding and 12-hour fast, and then extend the fast. You will very quickly notice the various benefits of this diet.


Ginger is considered a plant with an extremely effective anti-inflammatory agent. Whenever you feel discomfort in your stomach and have a swollen belly, drink ginger tea. Add ginger to your daily diet at will, either in granules, as a spice, in lemonade... It protects the stomach lining, helps with bloating, nausea and abdominal pain.

Photo: Jugoslocos / Unsplash

When you want to use it, cut only as much as you intend to use. Don't peel more than you need, because when the ginger sits a little longer, it can become bitter.


This plant works wonders for the digestive system. Since ancient times, it has been used for intestinal pain, as well as gas problems. Studies have shown that fennel has anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. The taste is similar to licorice, and fennel juice can be sprinkled on food.


When you feel bloated, any type of liquid will help. This can be hot tea, soup, water, freshly squeezed juice, or food that naturally contains a high percentage of liquid, such as watermelon.

In those times - eat watermelon. Photo: Jan Canty / Unsplash

Watch your stress levels

Believe it or not, bloating is not always related to microorganisms and what you put into your body. It may also have something to do with how you feel. Stress can also affect bloating. When you're nervous, when you're in an uncomfortable situation, that alone can upset your stomach. Your feelings often have physical manifestations.

Probiotic food

Foods rich in probiotics will restore your gut's natural balance and make sure that bloating disappears completely.
Such a type of food is, for example, sauerkraut, or any type of food that is fermented without artificial additives. Drink probiotic yogurt with it and your stomach will thank you.

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