Photo: envato

How to get rid of dark circles: banana face mask

Get rid of dark circles!

It happens to all of us that we don't get enough sleep, whether it's because of work, entertainment or because we couldn't fall asleep. The result is dark circles, which some people are more prone to, others less so, and nobody likes it when their face shows how tired they are. That's why we've prepared a simple way to get rid of dark circles - make a banana peel face mask and get rid of dark circles.

Are you also struggling with the question, how to eliminate dark circles? We have a solution!

Bananas they contain a lot potassium, which is considered to skin moisturize and prevent being in it held by liquid. This is very useful if you want to reduce swelling and dark circles, while at the same time making sure that your complexion is as even as possible shining. Due to its high potassium content, banana extract can be found in many foods cream and serums. This fruit also contains vitamins A, B, C, and E– these are the antioxidants with which you will brightened up dark circles and thus made them less noticeable.

Bananas are rich in many skin-friendly nutrients Photo: Alleksana / Pexels

Banana mask to eliminate dark circles

Preparing and using the mask behind the dark circles will not take you much time. But if you are really in a hurry, it is also an option to be with mashed banana you rub space under the eyes. So you will be in less than a minute reduced dark circles. But if you can make and use the mask yourself 10 minutes, then read on.


1. Scrape the white fibers from the inside of the banana peel. It is best to do this with a spoon.
2. Mix the removed fibers with aloe vera. If you don't have aloe vera, you can use your favorite moisturizer instead.
3. Gently apply the mixture under the eyes. Leave it on for 5-10 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.

You can get rid of dark circles in just 10 minutes Photo: Sora Shimazaki / Pexels

It is recommended that you use organic bananas, because you don't want to irritate your skin with all kinds of pesticides.

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