
How do we remove wax from fruit?

Wax on apples

Wax? Is there wax on the fruit? Surprised? First, let's clear up the following. That your apple shines like the one the witch handed to Snow White is not the fault of nature and natural ripening, but in most cases the glazing agents that the food industry (may) use to treat the surface of fruits and vegetables. With an old household trick, which we will give you below, you can clean the wax from the fruit in a natural way, and with this you can also clean it of all other impurities (pesticides, soil, dirt, etc.). But even before that, we trust you with how to check if your apple has been sprayed with wax.

How do we remove wax from fruit? You probably won't be surprised when we tell you that not everything that shines is natural. An apple in which you can touch up your make-up, because it has a reflection worthy of a mirror, but it's not naturally that shiny. Do you touch the fruit before you buy it? You are not the only one. But that's far from the only disgusting thing about store-bought fruit. Did you know that fruits, including an apple, sprinkled with wax, that it is more beautiful and lasts longer on the shelves? Not everyone, but it's better to be safe than sorry. And how do we remove wax from fruit?

Not everything that shines is natural.
Not everything that shines is natural.

We do it in a completely natural way with baking soda, lemon juice, lukewarm water and a toothbrush (see video above).

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But since not every apple is sprayed with wax, we do it first test. So how do you check if your apple is sprayed with wax? Pour over it boiling water. If it turns white, it's time for baking soda and brushing.

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