
How to get revenge on those who hurt you in the best way

Photo: @criene / Twenty20

The desire for revenge is natural. And such thinking occurs to you when you are wounded, when someone has hurt you and you want to take revenge in the same way - by striving for pain.

Not at all! The best revenge is working on yourself. Forget what you would like to do to this person. Leave it to karma. And focus on becoming the best version of yourself.

Learn to forgive people who don't ask for forgiveness

Learn how to let negative emotions or anger fill you with something more productive. And turn that energy into something that will benefit you. Something that will grab your attention.

The best revenge is not caring what others think

Don't let their actions affect you. Don't see yourself through their eyes. Work on yourself because you only have yourself. And no one will make you better than you are. You are your own masterpiece, so you must not stop working on yourself.

The best revenge is to learn to forgive, not to hold onto the anger inside

To forgive means to be free. This shows your faith in the universe. Sometimes you cling to something that can sabotage your happiness. You don't cling to people who don't appreciate you and don't love you.

And when you learn to forgive situations or people, that make your life difficult, it means that you have reached a certain level of self-love. You believe in your abilities to start over and find something better.

Believe in yourself. Photo: Allef Vinicius / Unsplash

Learn to be strong, brave and not afraid of the unknown. Do your best to know how to handle everything that happens in your life.

The best revenge is to love each other

Before and until you become the person you want to be, love yourself imperfectly. Learn from your mistakes. Know that they do not define you.

Love your life with all the moments whether they are sad or smiling. Everything.

Believe that you are exactly where you need to be. Focus on the best of what you have and don't hate yourself because things aren't as you imagined.

The best revenge is to learn to be content and happy even when everything is against you

And if you can't forgive someone, read this over and over again. You are your happiness, you are the creator of your life.

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