
How do you say no without feeling guilty?

How to say NO without offending the other person.

Because of the fear of offending or angering the people around us, we often say YES to them, even though we would prefer to shout NO out loud. In this way, we destroy ourselves, because we do things we don't want to do. If you would like to learn how to say NO without difficulty, these 6 tips will equip you with all the necessary knowledge.

You tips they will teach you how to avoid situations, when you really want to say no, but you still say yes.

Try to understand why you say no to certain things.

Try to understand why you say no to certain things.
Try to understand why you say no to certain things.

Before build a relationship with other people, you must understand what is important to you and what not. The easiest way to find out is to be make a list of people, things and events to which you want to devote your time. Until you discover what your priorities are, you will have trouble figuring out what to say YES to and what to say NO to. Otherwise, you always will have a bad conscience, or you did right or wrong.

Offer a choice.

Offer a choice.
Offer a choice.

That's likely the easiest way to reject someone. When you refuse a certain thing, offer the person an alternative or you consolation prize, because it is very important to help the person, but not at the same time you are doing what you don't want to do at all. It is important that you try to help the person on a different way.

Show compassion.

Show compassion.
Show compassion.

If you can't help a person in any way, them at least show compassion, that is, let her see that you want to hear her and understand her wishes. Tell her that you understand that she is in a difficult situation, wish her luck too. In this way, you will help the person to feel better, as well as yours rejection will be easier to accept.

Say no to the request, but not to the person.

Say no to the request, no to the person.
Say no to the request, no to the person.

Don't worry it will your refusal offended the person, with whom you try to maintain a good relationship. Your refusal merely means no you can help solve problems, and it has nothing to do with the person asking you for something. Politely, but at the same time firmly, you must say NO to the person, because only in this way will she understand you, yes you really can't help it.

Explain your reasons.

Explain your reasons.
Explain your reasons.

You can't reject persons, without explaining theirs reasons. The person asking you for a favor he also expects that from you. Don't pass it to her too long and too detailed explanations, but just explain circumstances, why don't you want to help. Be fair to the person asking for the favor.

Don't think too long before saying no.

Don't think too long.
Don't think too long.

Sometimes it's a lot hard to refuse a favor – if you will be in front of the person for too long thought and pondered, chances are you will succumbed to the pressure, and said yes again, even if you don't want to. Don't try solve several situations at once, but be firm as it is a clear rejection much friendlier.

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