
How to slow down the aging of the skin on the neck: the neck requires the same care as the face

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Photo: envato

Do you only focus on your face or do you give your neck the same attention? What can happen if we neglect neck skin care?

Neck skin demands the same than a face. In fact, the skin on it is thinner, drier and more stressed due to the constant movement of the head. In addition, the neck has fewer sebaceous glands, so its elasticity and ability to defend and regenerate is lower.

When it comes to sun protection, it often happens that let's neglect neck skin care with SPF cream. All this can lead to premature wrinkling of the skin on the neck, which can quickly spoil our overall appearance.

In many cases, horizontal lines on the neck are the result poor posture or incorrect position during sleep. You may have already noticed that unpleasant horizontal lines appear when you look at your laptop in the evening with your head slightly tilted. These grooves can become permanent if we do not take action against incorrect posture. It is good to have a straight neck line when sleeping, which can be facilitated by special neck support pillows. In addition, regular swimming and yoga can contribute to better posture.

Neck skin
Photo: envato

The skin on the neck requires special care

In addition to maintaining proper posture, it is crucial to clean the neck thoroughly before applying cosmetic products.

Hydration is the next step, for which you can use your favorite moisturizer, which you also apply to your face. You look for creams designed exclusively for neck care. However, it is essential that you always take care of moisturizing the dry skin on the neck. For an additional effect, you can choose a cream that contains vitamins C, E or A. Incorporate these steps into your day and night routine and never forget to protect yourself from the sun during the day.

However, neck care does not stop there. In addition to correct posture and the use of appropriate products, it is also crucial to regularly perform some additional steps that will ensure the maintenance of healthy and beautiful neck skin.

Neck skin
Photo: envato

Massage is one of those steps. Regular gentle massage of the neck can improve blood circulation, stimulate the lymphatic system and help maintain skin elasticity. You can use nourishing oils or creams with high nutrient content while gently massaging the neck and décolleté.

Exfoliation of the skin of the neck is just as important. Use a gentle exfoliator once a week to remove dead skin cells and clean pores. This will help the skin to absorb the moisturizing ingredients better and it will look fresher.

It is also important to keep in mind that neck care should not be limited only to the facial routine. The skin on the neck needs constant attention, so ensure regular hydration throughout the day. You can use a mineral water spray or moisturizing mist to refresh the skin and prevent dryness.

Don't forget proper nutrition and hydration from the inside

Drinking plenty of water and eating foods rich in antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, can help keep the skin on your neck and entire body healthy and supple.

Along with following these steps and constant attention, you can ensure that the skin on your neck stays as beautiful and nourished as your face.

Neck skin
Photo: envato

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