
How to stay safe during a storm: 5 key measures to protect against thunder and lightning

Photo: envato

Do you know how to properly protect yourself when you hear the first thunder? Thunder and lightning are natural phenomena that require immediate and deliberate action.

Thunder and lightning are a serious threat that should not be underestimated. Protection against these dangers requires strict adherence to safety measures and quick action.

Why is lightning dangerous?

Lightning is a powerful natural phenomenon that causes electrical discharges between cloud and earth or between clouds. This phenomenon can cause fires, mechanical damage to buildings, malfunctions of electronic devices and, worst of all, serious injury or death to humans and animals.

Every year, hundreds of people around the world die from gunshots, and many suffer serious injuries. Therefore, it is crucial that you are properly prepared and informed in the event of a storm.

Key measures for protection during a storm

Lightning. Photo: Philippedonn / pexels

1. Seek a safe shelter immediately

The best protection against lightning is inside a closed and solid structure. When you see the first signs of a storm (thunder, lightning), immediately seek shelter in a building, car with closed windows, or other safe structure. Avoid small shelters such as open sheds as they do not provide adequate protection.

2. Avoid water surfaces

Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. Avoid swimming, bathing, or any water activity during the storm. Also, do not touch wet surfaces, as lightning can travel through water pipes.

3. Turn off and unplug electrical appliances

Electrical appliances and sockets can attract lightning. Turn off all electronic devices such as televisions, computers and household appliances. Do not use corded telephones and avoid contact with non-essential electrical devices.

4. Stay away from windows and doors

Lightning can strike through openings such as windows and doors. Stay away from these areas during the storm and, if possible, stay indoors, away from exterior walls.

5. Avoid touching metal objects

Metal objects are conductors of electricity, so avoid touching metal fences, pipes, handles and other metal surfaces.

Get to safety. Photo: Vladimir Sladek / Pexels

If you are outdoors and there is no safe shelter available, se hide in lower terrain, such as ditches, but avoid open spaces and isolated ones trees. Crouch down, place your feet together, place your hands on your knees and tilt your head forward to minimize contact with the floor. Do not lie flat on the ground, as this increases the risk of a direct lightning strike.

After the last thunder heard wait at least 30 minutes, before leaving the shelter. Lightning can strike even after the storm is over, so caution is essential.

Don't underestimate the dangers of thunder and lightning. Following these safety measures can be powerful reduces the risk for injuries and protect your life and property.

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