
How to store watermelon so that it stays fresh as long as possible?

Watermelon storage mistakes

Photo: envato

Watermelon is very refreshing and really suits these hot days. It's normal for you to keep it cold in the fridge, right? It runs even better when it's cold. Is it really necessary to store whole or pieces in the refrigerator?

Experts say that the refrigerator is not always the best place for it.

How to store it so that it stays fresh as long as possible?

To store it in the refrigerator or not? Photo: Art Rachen/Unsplash

They advise that watermelon, which is not quite ripe yet, leave it at room temperature, but out of direct sunlight, as this will preserve its nutrients and flavor, while it will lose flavor and color more quickly in the refrigerator.

In a room with a moderate temperature or slightly air-conditioned, the watermelon will last up to two weeks.

If already mature and you don't have time to eat it, don't cut it. In this case, put the whole thing in the refrigerator, where it can stay fresh for another two to three weeks. In this way, the low temperature will slow down the ripening process.

Sliced belongs in the fridge. Photo: Li Yan/Unsplash

The refrigerator is a good choice, even if the watermelon is already cut, place the pieces in an airtight food storage container or in plastic wrap to preserve texture and juiciness, as well as to keep the watermelon from absorbing other odors from the refrigerator.

She is loved by young and old alike. Photo: Cottonbro / Pexels

Enjoy its freshness.

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