
How to strengthen your immune system to fight the coronavirus?

Will vitamins help you? Are there any foods that can help prevent the virus?

There is no magic pill that can guarantee that your immune system will protect you from the coronavirus. But there are ways you can take care of yourself and allow your immune system to do its job and fight with all its might!

And how can you help him?

Reduce stress

Don't just think about the coronavirus. Relax. Stress can make you susceptible to respiratory illnesses. The body fights diseases more easily and effectively when it is not under stress. Meditate. Breathe properly. Talk to a therapist and overcome stress.

Improve your sleeping habits

Only a healthy immune system can fight disease. If you don't get enough sleep, it doesn't work the way it should. Sleep at least 7 hours a night. Stick to a regular bedtime and wake-up time. Avoid eating late or exercising right before bed.

Improve your sleeping habits.
Improve your sleeping habits.

Check the level of vitamin D in your body

Some research suggests that taking a vitamin D supplement might help your body fight respiratory diseases. The latest research, carried out on 11,000 patients, showed that vitamin D is extremely helpful in the fight against acute respiratory infections. But scientists are not completely sure about this, as some results of vitamin D supplementation are said to show zero effects.

Why might vitamin D reduce the risk of respiratory disease? Our bodies need an adequate amount of vitamin D to produce antimicrobial proteins that kill viruses and bacteria. It is found in fatty fish, such as salmon, in milk, and above all it is received through (healthy!) exposure to the sun.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption

Various research have discovered a link between alcohol consumption and the immune system. They show that people who drink excessively are more susceptible to respiratory diseases and pneumonia and recover more slowly from infections.

Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.
Avoid excessive alcohol consumption.

Eat a balanced diet

Avoid various unproven nutritional supplements and exercise. Diet has not been proven to improve the immune system, but some believe it helps garlic. Others claim that ginger, turmeric, oregano oil have a positive effect. A study on the effect of chicken soup showed that the symptoms of upper respiratory infections should be reduced when it is consumed.

Eating foods that are believed to boost the immune system is not doing you any harm as long as you eat them as part of a balanced diet.

Remember to follow all health advice regarding preventive measures when it comes to protection against viral diseases. Avoid close contact with people showing signs of an infectious disease. Do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth. Follow the rules of cough hygiene, cough into your sleeve or handkerchief. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water. During times of increased occurrence of respiratory infections, avoid closed spaces where many people stay.

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