
How to stretch clothes that shrink during washing to their normal size?

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Have you ever been horrified to find that your favorite sweater or T-shirt has shrunk to child size? There are simple tricks you can use to restore the shape and size of your shrunken clothes. How to stretch shrunken clothes?

How to stretch shrunken clothes – Shrinking of clothes is a common problem that we encounter after washing. There is nothing more frustrating than finding out that your favorite sweater or t-shirt is gone became too tight and uncomfortable after washing.

It seems to you that it is the end of the world, but in reality it is not necessarily so. Shrinkage of clothing is not always irreversible. Certain methods can be used to restore the shape and size of favorite pieces of clothing so that they can continue to be worn.

What causes contraction?

Clothing shrinkage can be caused by several factors, including: the type of fabric and the way the clothes are washed and dried. High water and drying temperatures, strong mechanical action in the washing machine and natural shrinkage of some materials are the main culprits for this unwanted change.

Knowing the specific properties of fabrics can help take better care of your clothes and prevent them from shrinking.

Has your favorite garment shrunk? Photo: Pixabay

Types of fabrics and their tendency to shrink

Different fabrics respond differently to washing.

  • Wool it is known to shrink significantly when exposed to heat and friction, as its fibers are naturally designed to stick together.
  • Cotton it can also shrink, especially if it is first washed in hot water.
  • Synthetic fabrics, such as polyester and nylon, are less prone to shrinkage, but still require proper care.

Understanding the properties of these materials and handling them properly can significantly reduce the risk of unwanted shrinkage.

Preventing shrinkage

Proper washing and drying are key to preventing clothing from shrinking. This includes using cold water, gentle washing programs and avoiding drying at high temperatures. It is also recommended to air dry your clothes instead of putting them in the dryer.

Some manufacturers already take shrinkage into account during the production process, so their clothes retain their shape and size even after several washes.

How to Stretch Shrunken Clothes: A Step-by-Step Guide

If your garment has shrunk, you can often restore it to its original shape with the right process. This process includes soaking the shrunk garment in a mixture of water and a mild fabric softener, gently stretching the garment when wet and air drying on a flat surface.

Stretching of cotton and woolen clothes

Cotton shirts shrunk? Photo: Angela Roma / Pexels

Using hair conditioner to stretch fabrics

Experts note that hair conditioner can help with shrinking cotton and wool clothing. This method works because the conditioner relaxes the fibers and allows the fabric to return to its previous size.

Add to a bowl of lukewarm water a spoonful of hair conditioner. Soak the shrunk garment in the solution and let it sit for approx half an hour. Then rinse the garment under running water cold water. Place it on a dry towel and gently stretch it in all directions until it returns to its original size.

This method is effective for fabrics such as cotton, wool and knitwear, which can easily stretch. However, care should be taken when using on synthetic materials such as polyester as they can stretch too much.

Clothing made of delicate materials

Or a synthetic shirt? Photo: Pixabay

Gentle method with baby shampoo or conditioner

For sensitive materials such as wool, cashmere and mohair, the use of baby shampoo or conditioner is recommended.

Fill the sink with cold water and mix 2 tablespoons of baby shampoo or conditioner. Soak a delicate garment in the prepared solution and let it stand for a while 30 minutes to 2 hours. At the end of soaking, do not rinse the clothes, but wash them squeeze gently. Place the garment on a towel, wring it out to remove excess water, and then unfold it on a flat surface.

Gently stretch the garment back to its original shape and size. Let it be naturally dry away from direct sunlight.

With these methods, you can successfully restore the shape and size of shrunken clothes made of different materials. It is important that you do the process carefully and patiently, to achieve the best results.

Before throwing away a shrunken garment, try these methods and you might be surprised by the results.

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