
How to take care of a Christmas tree to keep it fresh for a long time

If your Christmas holiday is decorated with a real spruce or fir this year, you certainly want it to stay fresh, green and rich throughout the month of joy and happiness. Here are tips on how to care for your Christmas tree from day one, as well as ideas on how to recycle it once the holiday season is over.

How to take care of the Christmas tree so that it stays fresh longer...

1. Cutting the trunk

If you have bought a tree, it is a good idea to cut off about 2 centimeters of the trunk yourself at home, because this way it absorbs water more easily and will be vital for longer.

2. Watering

It is recommended that the Christmas tree stands in a base with water, as it is good that the bottom of the trunk never dries out. The tree can also be planted in a pot, and later transplanted to the garden.

The most important thing for the fresh appearance of the Christmas tree is watering
The most important thing for the fresh appearance of the Christmas tree is watering

3. Fertilization?

Since spruce and fir tolerate limestone, it is better to water them with rainwater or stagnant water. Some even add a teaspoon of sugar or aspirin to the watering water as a natural source of fertilizer for the plant.

4. Space

In order to avoid the drying of the tree, it is better that it is not exposed to direct sunlight and that it is a little away from heat sources, radiators. A humidifier will help keep the needles fresh and also reduce the risk of fire. When we talk about fire - it pays to invest in quality and newer LED lights, because they don't get too hot. Be sure to check the condition of the Christmas lights and also make sure that there are no open flames or candles too close to the tree.

Do not expose the Christmas tree to direct sunlight or open flames
Do not expose the Christmas tree to direct sunlight or open flames

5. Tidying up

When the Christmas tree season is over, you can recycle it by plucking the needles, bagging them and spreading them around the house for a fresh scent. The trunk and heavier branches can be used to support plants in the garden, and the twigs can be spread around the garden as the fallen needles will help the soil retain moisture.

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