
Is this the future of Christmas tree decorating?

Projection decorations for the Christmas tree.

Decorating the Christmas tree is a pleasant annual ritual, but what could happen is that it will die out in the coming years, at least if the decorating trend, as conceived by the Brazilian design studio Ambos, takes hold. It is a so-called mapping projection of the Christmas tree, a special way of projection that we are used to on architectural elements, but this time the undecorated Christmas tree is dressed in decorations.

What can happen to decorating the Christmas tree, as we know it, is slowly saying goodbye. So in the future, we will no longer be taking boxes from the attic or the upper shelves of the cupboards Christmas decorations, but we will dust off the projector. Saying goodbye to another tradition?

READ MORE: Ideas how to decorate a Christmas tree

Projection decorations for the Christmas tree.
Projection decorations for the Christmas tree.

Maybe you have a studio idea Ambos it is not an exaggeration to say that it kills part of the Christmas spirit, but this type of decoration has many advantages: endless possibilities and no more ruined decorations. In addition, you will save a lot of money in the long run, at least if you are one of those who like to change the "wardrobe" of the Christmas tree every few years.

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