
How to care for dyed hair so that the color will last for a long time

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Photo: envato

In the world of hair care, maintaining the vibrancy and health of colored hair is like finding the holy grail. It is a quest that many undertake but few master. The key to success lies not only in the products you use, but also in the habits you cultivate. In this article, we present you with expert advice that will help you keep your dyed hair looking healthy for a long time. Take care of dyed hair properly.

Care of dyed hair: Maintaining the vibrancy and health of color-treated hair requires commitment to a tailored care routine. By incorporating these ten steps into your hair care regimen you can significantly extend the service life of your dyed hair and ensure that it remains bright, beautiful and healthy. Remember that the secret to long-lasting color is not just one product or treatment; it's a holistic approach that respects the delicate nature of your hair.

Basic care for colored hair

1. Wait to shampoo

When you dye your hair, the cuticle opens to allow the dye to penetrate the hair shaft. If you wait 72 hours before your next shampoo, you have time for the hair cuticle to close properly, which helps the color to set and last longer.

2. Use sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner

Sulfates are strong detergents that can strip color from your hair. By opting for sulfate-free products, you can significantly extend the life of your color by keeping the natural oils in your hair intact and providing a protective layer for your color.

Photo: Nataliya/Pexels

3. Avoid hot showers

Hot water can open the hair cuticle, causing color to fade. Lukewarm water is gentler on your hair and helps maintain the vibrancy of your color.

4. Wash your hair less often

Each wash can fade your hair color a bit. By reducing the frequency of washing, you reduce color loss and your hair stays vibrant for longer.

5. Use dry shampoo

Dry shampoo is a great way to absorb excess oil and add volume without washing your hair. This means you can extend the life of your color and still have fresh hair.

6. Use leave-in treatments

Leave-in treatments can form a protective barrier on your hair, protecting it from the damaging effects of heat styling and environmental factors, preserving your color.

7. Use heat protection spray before using hot tools

Heat can cause hair color to fade because it breaks down the color molecules. A heat protectant spray reduces damage and prevents your color from fading prematurely.

8. Prepare your hair for the next dyeing process

Keeping hair healthy and well-nourished ensures that it is in the best possible condition for the next color application, leading to more vibrant and long-lasting color results.

Basic care of dyed hair is extremely important. Photo: Nataliya/Pexels

9. Avoid chlorine and salt water

Chlorine and salt water can bleach your hair, causing significant color loss and damage. Wearing a swim cap or pre-soaking your hair in clean water can offer some protection from these elements.

10. Regular haircuts

Regular trimming helps eliminate split ends and prevent breakage. Healthy hair retains color better and looks vibrant for longer.

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