
How to talk with your partner about the next step in the relationship: a shared home, marriage or a child?

Photo: envato

If you're in a happy and serious relationship, it's perfectly normal to think about the next steps in your relationship. These include living together, marriage, children... but it is essential that you and your partner are coordinated and honest with each other regarding such important decisions. Since such conversations are not the easiest to start, we have prepared 5 steps for you to discuss with your partner about the next step in the relationship.

1. Be honest

The thought of talking about next steps in a relationship can fill you with nervously, especially if you are worried that with your partner they don't have similar desires. However, you should be aware that it is honesty essential: namely your partner he can't read minds, and if you're going to let the relationship go otherwise, as you would like, you will soon begin to feel for him grievances.
So be sincere and give to partner to know clearly, what you expect from the union. Of course, that doesn't mean you shouldn't be open for his, maybe a little different ideas– it's just imperative that neither of you feel like you did after the decision cancelled things he has for him enormous importance.

Be honest with each other Photo: Scott Webb / Pexels

2. Avoid black and white views

Before starting the conversation, it is important that clear it up with yourself, to make such important decisions they are not black and white and give a clue "right" and "wrong" they don't exist. Yes, it would be pointless to tell your partner fully adjusted, but sometimes it's good to look at the situation from a different angle a different point of view.
Also, make sure that the conversation does not become more similar "fight" like respectful communication– your goal is not to you win, but with a partner they find a common language.

3. Don't lose focus

Even too quickly, it can happen that the conversation turns to a completely different topic and to find out in the end that agreement they are still far from reaching it. That's why it's important to keep your focus and that you are ready, if you notice that they have strayed from the main topic, to do it a step back and focus on what is really important.
Also avoid mentioning it old grudges, which you may remember at possible disagreement- they will not help you reach a joint decision.

Keep in mind what's really important Photo: Athena / Pexels

4. Listen carefully to your partner

They are partners in a healthy relationship equal, so it is important that you agree with your partner ready to listen. Not only will you avoid it this way I regret in the future, but it will also become clear to you how to the progress of your relationship he looks and what are his reasons.
If your partner expresses about the next step worries, none of them don't ignore it, even if you don't feel them yourself. By listening attentively, you will also let your partner know that he you respect and appreciate it.

5. Take time to think

When with conversation conclude, we suggest each of you take one some time to myself and think about how feels and what he is up to to do. Not only will it prevent it impulsive actions, but you will also make sure that it is your decision well thought out.
If the conversation did not lead to clear conclusion, you are nothing do not blame. It is quite normal that such important decisions require more time and communication.
What if you've found that your outlook on the future is changing completely different? Even in this case, we suggest that you you take your time and your next step think carefully. Only you know which part of the relationship he has for you main meaning and which you are ready for cancel or some more time to wait. It would be a shame to have a relationship left because of something just for you does not play a significant role, but at the same time you are too you don't earn, that you are staying in a relationship that will not allow you to the future you want.

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