
How to tell someone you don't want a relationship

You love it - but you know it won't work!

Photo: Steven Arenas / Pexels

Have you met a person with whom you enjoy spending time, but you feel that you are not ready for a relationship with them or you simply do not want them? Disappointing someone is always difficult, but in such a case, sincerity is necessary. We have prepared 5 tips on how to say that you don't want a relationship in the least painful way.

There are many reasons why you don't want a romantic relationship right now. You may not have finished the process yet recovery previous partner, you may want to focus completely on career or education, but maybe it's simple you feel the best, when you're single.
Anyway, absolutely nothing it's not wrong with you, if you want it for yourself, but it is essential that the person you are dating, tell me as soon as possible. No one wants to experience what it's like when someone gives to you false hope.
We have prepared 5 tips that will help you with this.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to enjoy life single Photo: Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

1. Explain your feelings to him alone

Disappointment it's always hard to accept, and it's even harder when we have to face it in front of an audience. So make sure you tell the person this when you're together alone. Even before you meet, it's best to send it to her message, that she would like to talk about something.
Even if you're friends, it's best to finish the conversation Live and not via text or phone call. That way they will avoid each other misunderstanding, and your friend will also have the opportunity to he asks about everything he wants to know from you.

2. Be kind but firm

The last thing you want to achieve is to make someone feel like you are not good enough. Therefore let your words be friendly, respectful and understanding. Don't give him the impression that you think you're in favor of a relationship with him too good or that he should to change.
At the same time, you have to be solid and in his reasons confident: don't allow yourself to be for a friend's sake resentment felt like you were doing something wrong. Right with anyone you don't have to going into a romantic relationship if you don't want to and being single is inappropriately better than being in a relationship forces.

Be kind but firm Photo: SHVETS Production / Pexels

3. Be honest about your feelings

Honesty is in such situations urgent and it will also prevent your friend from feeling like he did something wrong. If, for example, you feel that you need some time to find yourself and would prefer to do it single, this make it clear.
At the same time, do not forget that the most personal details can you keep to yourself. If you feel like you're not ready to explain something, tell your friend, and as a mature adult, you should to respect.

4. Set clear boundaries

In an ideal world, the person will accept your reasons respectful way, but real life is often different.
If your friend still hits you despite the conversation convinces, to get into a relationship with him or he tries to arouse you feelings of guilt, it is imperative that you set him up clear boundaries. Tell him to make his own decisions you don't intend to change and that if he wants to continue the friendship, he will have to to accept.

Don't allow yourself to be accused Photo: Philip Justin Mamelic / Pexels

5. Be understanding

If your friend has a crush on you, it might be easier for him to get away for a while you don't see each other. So will the rejection got over it easier and did not hope that you would reconsidered. Also, if your companionship means a lot to you, you have to to understand.
Everyone has to first place to put ourselves and if it means for a friend that he has to spend some time without contacts with you, you will have to to accept.

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